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A Study on Relationship of Narrative Comprehension and Family Reading Environments of Young Children
作者 林家蕙簡美宜
本研究之目的在探討幼兒敘述理解之表現,及其與家庭閱讀環境之間的關係。本研究以雲林縣、嘉義市大班幼兒為研究對象,首先進行敘述理解測驗的個別施測,再收集家庭閱讀環境的調查問卷。本研究共取得280位有效樣本,採用單因子多變量分析、t檢定、多元迴歸分析等統計方法進行資料分析。根據研究結果,本研究提出下列結論: 1.幼兒在敘述理解的整體表現良好,就各分測驗而言以圖畫散步測驗表現最佳,暗示問題表現最差。 2.幼兒敘述理解表現在背景變項之父母教育程度、家長代表職業上無顯著差異,僅女童之圖畫散步表現優於男童。 3.幼兒敘述理解之「重述」與家庭閱讀環境之下列變項有顯著關係:「家中兒童讀物數量」、「獨立閱讀習慣」、「家中成人藏書量」、「帶領幼兒參與說故事活動」;家庭閱讀環境變項之「帶領幼兒參與說故事活動」與敘述理解之「重述」、「明示問題」、「暗示問題」皆有顯著關係。 4.幼兒家庭閱讀環境中之「家中兒童讀物數量」、「家中成人藏書量」、「帶領幼兒參與說故事活動」對幼兒敘述理解有預測力。
This study aims to investigate the relationship of young children’s narrative comprehension and their family reading environments. The subjects were five-year-old children in Chiayi City and Yunlin County. A narrative comprehension assessment was implemented individually and a survey questionnaire of family reading environments was collected. This study obtained 280 valid samples and adopted MANOVA, t-test, and multiple regression analysis to conducted statistical analysis. The major findings were provided as follows. 1.The overall performance of narrative comprehension was good. Among all of the tests, the scores of Implicit Questions of Promoting Comprehension Questions were the lowest. 2.Among all of the background variables, only girls were better than boys on the Picture Walk. 3.Some variables of family reading environments significantly affected young children’s performance of comprehension. 4.Some variables of family reading environments could predict the performance of narrative comprehension.
起訖頁 33-66
關鍵詞 幼兒敘述理解家庭閱讀環境young childrennarrative comprehensionfamily reading environment
刊名 嘉大教育研究學刊  
期數 201403 (32期)
出版單位 國立嘉義大學
該期刊-上一篇 新住民家長參與親職教育課程之行動研究
該期刊-下一篇 教師指導學生自編鄉土教材之過程與結果之探索




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