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On the Law of Mistake-In Review of Distinguishing Mistake in Motive from that in Substantia and Declaration
作者 張凱鑫 (Kai-Hsin Chang)
The legal academy and practice has long hold the position that it should first be distinguished whether the mistake regarding facts and law lies in the motive or declaration of the declarant, and whether such a mistake, if lies in declarant's motive, is a mistake in substantia before applying §88 of our civil code. Such a method, originally for the sake of the certainty of daily transactions and having its eyes on declarant's psychological process only, has encountered a difficulty in categorization, because one would find no absolute line between motive and declaration when taking all the matters in the parties' communication into account. Such a method requiring the court to classify the mistake, has made the relevant mistake of §88 too narrow and favored the opposing party too much. Also, §88, setting the requirements of the right of rescind on the significance in transaction and the non-excusability of the declarant only, in lacking of the proclamation of considering the parties' matters in their communication during the formation of the contract, can neither properly weigh the fairness of exercising the right of rescind, nor fully meet the needs of the daily transactions.
起訖頁 107-144
關鍵詞 意思表示錯誤動機錯誤性質錯誤表示錯誤表示行為錯誤內容錯誤Mistake in Declaration of WillMistake in MotiveMistake in SubstantiaDeclaration MistakeMistake in ExpressionMistake in Meaning
刊名 東海大學法學研究  
期數 201408 (43期)
出版單位 東海大學法律學院
該期刊-上一篇 雲端運算與個人資料保謢--以台灣個人資料保護法與歐盟個人資料保護指令的比較為中心
該期刊-下一篇 歐盟地理標示法制度之研究




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