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中山醫學雜誌 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Effects of Ambulatory Clinical Pharmacy Anticoagulation Service on the Outcomes of Anticoagulation Knowledge
作者 李建瑩蔡雅芳黃光華關宇翔
Objective: The objective of this study was to assess patient knowledge of anticoagulation improvement using a patient education sheet or booklet about warfarin provided by clinical pharmacy anticoagulation service (CPAS). We investigated whether the material was helpful to these patients, whether it improved prothrombin time (PT)/ international normalized ratio (INR) monitoring status, and whether it reduced emergency department (ED) visits and hospital admissions for hemorrhage and thromboembolism. Materials and Methods: We included patients aged 18 years old and above who could communicate in Mandarin Chinese or Taiwanese with a pharmacist, who were willing to receive warfarin education, and willing to participate in this study. Patients received tests before and after receiving warfarin patient education. To evaluate patient's attitude and opinion, we administered questionnaires after they completed the education program. We also investigated INR monitoring status, ED visits, and hospital admissions for hemorrhage and thromboembolism events during the 6 months prior to before the education program and also followed-up for 6 months after completing the CPAS program. Results: After CPAS, average scores were found to have significantly increased (p<0.001). Days within INR target improved significantly and days below INR target and days above INR target decreased significantly (p<0.001). The number of hemorrhage and thromboembolism events requiring ED visits and hospital admissions decreased significantly (p<0.001). Conclusion: Clinical pharmacy services in the ambulatory clinic systems of this health system had a positive effect on outcomes. After pharmacist-directed CPAS program, average outcome scores were increased significantly with regard to usage of warfarin and similar medications. Patients achieved their target INR ranges significantly more often after CPAS care and had fewer ED visits and hospitalizations due to thromboembolism and hemorrhage events.
起訖頁 1-9
關鍵詞 Warfarin病患衛教Patient education凝血酶原時間Prothrombin time (PT)國際標準凝血酶原時間比值International normalized ratio (INR)
刊名 中山醫學雜誌  
期數 201406 (25:1期)
出版單位 中山醫學大學
該期刊-下一篇 成功老化認知及其退休準備行為之相關探討:以某醫學中心員工為例




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