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The Effects of Teaching Chinese Composition with Mandala Writing Approach for Senior High School Students' Achievement
作者 謝文英賴瑩蓉 (Ying-Rong Lai)
Taiwan's senior high students' competence in writing Chinese essay is getting worse and worse, which requires a prompt solution. This study aims at discussing the effects of-teaching Taiwan senior high students writing Chinese essay with Mandala writing approach. The purpose of this study is to construct a way to teach Chinese composition with Mandala writing approach and to learn how this approach affects senior high students'writing skills. This study has employed documentary analysis, quasi-experimentation and questionnaires to collect relevant information about how senior high second graders were doing before and after two simulated university entrance examinations. Thereafter, semi structured interviews are carried out to learn the learners' perception. The obtained quantitative data are processed with descriptive statistics and Two-Way ANOVA. Qualitative information is analyzed with classroom observation records, semi-structured interviews and student's works. The conclusions are: 1. Mandala writing approach improves medium-achieved senior high students' Chinese writing achievement. 2. Senior high students' degree of perception and acceptance on Mandala writing approach is high. 3. Students encounter different difficulties when learning Mandala writing apptoach. 4. Chinese Mandala writing approach brings benefits to improving senior high students' learning attitude and confidence in writing.
起訖頁 097-123
關鍵詞 曼陀羅寫作教學法高中生國文寫作成就Chinese Mandala writing approachsenior high studentChinesecomposition achievement
刊名 教育科學期刊  
期數 201412 (13:2期)
出版單位 國立中興大學師資培育中心
該期刊-上一篇 探討及時反饋系統運用在大學「管理數學」之教學現況
該期刊-下一篇 E. Lévinas為他倫理學的師生關係之研究




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