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Analyzing the Fashion Queen-Ms. Chanel with Habitual Domains
作者 張翠園 (Tsui-Yuan Chang)
香奈兒品牌的創始人,嘉伯麗爾•香奈兒(Gabrielle Chanel),創造了全球頂尖的時尚王國,一生充滿了傳奇色彩。香奈兒被服裝界尊稱為「法國時裝之母」,當年她創造的流行,多年來一直左右著時尚流行趨勢。她在人們心目中不僅是個優雅的品牌,更是一種自信、獨立、現代的新女性標誌。香奈兒出身於孤兒院,最終卻能在巴黎開設服裝店,活躍於時尚社交圈,成為「最偉大的流行導師」,如此的崛起過程,讓人嘖嘖稱奇。香奈兒最重要的事蹟是:二十世紀初期,在服飾界掀起的女裝革命,開啟現代服裝史上最驚心動魄的「男服女穿」。她所突顯的「貧乏美學」,顛覆了當時的流行,為華麗的貴族品味畫上了句點。本文採用質性個案研究,蒐集歸納香奈兒的相關文獻資料,再以習慣領域理論架構解析,從而瞭解其豐富之習慣領域。由本研究得知,香奈兒女士充分善用習慣領域的腦心運作的構想、人類行為的通性,積極擴展自己的習慣領域,而成為20世紀最具影響力的設計師。她具備了成功設計師的特質:1.對目標的堅定與執著:凡事講求盡善盡美,不管設計什麼,都要求「原創性」,做工精細、剪裁俐落。2.不論到哪裡,都不會忘記為工作擷取靈感。3.能夠突破前人的框架,並與時代脈動結合;所以,她雖然走在時代的尖端,卻能設計出經得起時間考驗的經典服裝。這就是香奈兒,一位值得後輩好好學習的服裝設計大師。
Chanel's founder, Gabrielle Chanel, created the world's top fashion kingdom and lived a legendary life. Chanel was known by the fashion industry as the "mother of the French fashion". The fashion that she created continues to dominate the fashion trend.Chanel, in people's mind, is not only an elegant brand but also a symbol for self-confident, independent, and modern woman. She grew up in an orphanage and eventually was able to open clothing store in Paris. She was active in the fashion social circles and became the greatest fashion teacher. The rise of such a process is stunning. The most important event for Chanel is that she revolutionized woman's fashion in early 20(superscript th) century. She began the most breathtaking concept of woman wearing man's cloth in the modern fashion world. Her aesthetics of going "back to basics" overturned of the popular fashion in its time. She drew to a close for the magnificent luxury taste.This study uses a qualitative case research method, gathers references, and applies the theory of Habitual Domains to analyze the rich habitual thinking of Chanel. This research identifies that she was able to take full advantage of habitual domains to nurture mind and body and to enrich human behavior. She thus became one of the most influential fashion designers of the 20(superscript th) century. She possesses the trait of a successful designer. 1). She was firm and persistent to her goals, emphasizing perfection, incorporating originality for fine work. 2). She never stopped acquiring inspiration no matter where she went. 3) She broke constrains set by her predecessors, and combined her design with times. She was able to stand the test of time for her classic design while walking on the cutting edge. This is Chanel, the one designer worthy of learning by the younger generation.
起訖頁 119-135
關鍵詞 習慣領域香奈兒時尚Habitual domainsChanelFashion
刊名 習慣領域期刊  
期數 201011 (2:1期)
出版單位 社團法人中華民國習慣領域學會
該期刊-上一篇 從微觀角度驗證人類行為決策動態模式之邏輯性-以Wii遊戲機之創新過程為例
該期刊-下一篇 習慣領域(HD)創新教學之探討-以「大HD•大未來:打造我的黃金十年」為例




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