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The HD Expansion of Primary School English Teachers with Nine Principles for Deep Knowledge
作者 林明宏 (Ming-Hung Lin)蔣宜卿
In this paper, firstly, we tried to understand the exist barriers for current situation of primary school English learning and teaching. The findings were as following: 1. primary school English teachers need to improve their teaching skills and professional English knowledge, and to increase the motivation of learning English for primary school learners; 2. primary school English teachers need to maintain positive and active attitudes, and to provide support and encouragement to primary school pupils more often; 3. primary school English teachers need to develop a better English learning environment; 4. primary school English teachers need to inspire primary school pupils to become autonomous learners. Finally, this paper introduces nine principles for deep knowledge, one of the three HD tool boxes, as a valuable tool and describes how primary school English teachers can utilize these nine principles to break the barriers in teaching and expand their HD themselves simultaneously to achieve higher quality of primary English learning.
起訖頁 033-050
關鍵詞 習慣領域九個獲取深智慧原理國小英語教育Habitual DomainsNine Principles for Deep KnowledgePrimary School English Learning
刊名 習慣領域期刊  
期數 201011 (2:1期)
出版單位 社團法人中華民國習慣領域學會
該期刊-上一篇 監所志工對習慣領域的三大工具箱的認同程度和在教化工作應用上情形之調查研究
該期刊-下一篇 習慣領域光明心態量化學習效果之探查研究




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