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Sublimation and Extension of Habitual Domains: A Standpoint of the Operation of the Minds
作者 鄭保村 (Bao-Tsuen Jeng)
Habitual Domains is the collection of all our ideas, thoughts and operators. and their organization and operations The habitual domains direct our conducts and behaviors, but they are changeable, dynamic and full of unlimited possibility. Thus, potential domains in the habitual domains could be developed and sublimated. If we of ten use the potential domains and use them well, we will retrieve messages from our brains more easily, the circuit pattern will be stronger and the potentiality of the potential domains will be unlimited as well. Built upon the theory of ""Habitual Domains", this paper discusses the "brain operation hypothesis" and the operation of the minds with the scientific evidences of the brain science. Based on the discourse of transformation and sublimation of the minds, this paper further discusses extension of the potential domains. Within the same conditions, our minds can lead us to delusion or enlightenment, bitterness or happiness, so it's the minds that are the most dangerous and the world is actually what we think. The mind is the most extensive and subtlest, so whether the situation is good or bad, sweet or sour, heaven or hell, is just only a matter of the mind. When our mind is enlightened-that is, when we initiate our mind in a positive way, and then our mind becomes pure and clear and reaches to the truth-the positive, active and bright circuit pattern is thus reinforced. It is the joy of Bodhi (enlightment). Furthermore, when our mind is not influenced by the external condition-that is, when we are "free from minds" and "the minds arise without attachment", which means that we would neither accept nor reject the condition; that we would neither welcome nor refuse it; and that we would neither approach nor leave it-we are able to be aware of our minds at the presence, to deal with the condition in the "middle way" and not to be trapped by it. When we let go off all the unnecessary conditions and our minds eventually gain peace, our minds naturally recover their original purity, clarity and stability and we further see the spring of our true life. This is the best way to reduce pressures as well as the greatest joy in the world. It offers us with a direct and fundamental solution to our sufferings and pains.
起訖頁 173-192
關鍵詞 潛在領域習慣領域電網無念中道Potential DomainsHabitual DomainsCircuit PatternNo MindMiddle Way
刊名 習慣領域期刊  
期數 200911 (1:1期)
出版單位 社團法人中華民國習慣領域學會
該期刊-上一篇 壓力調適與習慣領域
該期刊-下一篇 習慣領域之研究—一個教育的觀點




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