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技術校院餐飲管理系教育品質屬性之個案研究 -Kano 二維品質模式與IPA方法的應用分析
The Case Study of Service Quality on Technical Education in Food and Beverage Management Department- Application of Kano Model and Importance-Performance Analysis
作者 楊玲惠 (Ling-Hui Yang)何光明 (Kong-Min Ho)周鉦凱 (Cheng-Kai Chou)
為確保技術院校培育出的專業人才,能符合社會及產業發展趨勢的能力需 求,技職校院應提供優質的教育環境,支援老師的教學與學生的學習,建立起全 面品質管理的優質教育環境。而教育是種介入在每一個孩子成長過程中「無法重 新來過」的事業,作為一個教育的「供應者」,教育機構沒有權利免除其對教育 使用者提供「品質保證」的責任,教育機構如何對教育品質負責,變成了教育機 構必須探討的重要課題。同時我國餐旅與觀光教育之發展,近年來發展神速,餐 旅相關科系驟增,因此,教育品質是影響競爭力的一項重要因素,如何提昇與控 管教育品質是學校經營餐旅教育的首要工作。本研究運用Kano 二維品質模式與重視-表現分析法(IPA),應用於技職餐 飲教育之教育品質的探討。企圖透過Kano模式判斷出就讀餐飲技職體系之學生 所重視的教育品質要素,進行教育品質屬性歸類;分析不同族群背景的研究對象 對各項教育品質需求的差異性。研究發現,藉由Kano 二維品質屬性歸類後之品 質改善指標與IPA矩陣圖,同屬於品質改善指標「效益改善區」及「優先改善區」 的教育品質有「學校課程規劃可配合學生未來職場能力、學校課程安排與就業具 連貫性、學校課程之設計具有多樣選擇及實用性」,三者皆屬課程構面之一維品 質要素為關鍵餐旅教育品質屬性。
Due to the development trends of Taiwan’s tourism and hospitality education, education quality is an important factor to the interscholastic competitiveness of higher technological and vocational education. It is the most important quality assurance of enhancing the educational quality on Taiwan’s higher education system, including a better quality of education environment, teacher efficacy and learning effectiveness.This research integrated the Kano two-dimensional model to classify quality attribute into five categories and Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) to identify the major strength and weakness educational service quality attributes of students’ perception based on a questionnaire consists of 25 education quality elements. For different groups of students, they have different classifications on quality attributes based on Kano model. Moreover, we calculate the satisfaction increment index (SII) and dissatisfaction decrement index (DDI) and integrate “effective improving service quality attribute” and “prior improving service quality attribute” to identify critical service quality attributes. The finding indicates that out of the 25 items, 3 of them are critical educational service quality attributes and mainly to do with curriculum. This research may serve as a reference for school management to improve education quality for educational competitiveness.
起訖頁 001-039
關鍵詞 教育品質Kano二維品質模式重視-表現分析Educational QualityKano ModelImportance-Performance Analysis
刊名 技術及職業教育學報  
期數 201207 (5:1期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學工業教育學系
該期刊-上一篇 建構高職學校實習行政領導績效指標之研究
該期刊-下一篇 私立技術校院進修部學生選校意向影響因素及其對招生的啟示




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