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The Study for the Implementation of Career Mentoring in Universities
作者 陳嘉彌 (Jia-Mi Chen)
The skills college graduates obtained in schools no longer match the market demand. In addition, the graduates are not satisfied with their education, personal life, and employment opportunities. Hence, it is now critical for the universities in Taiwan to find solutions to this problem. This paper proposed a “career mentoring” strategy, which was based on the collaboration between universities and job market. The people in the workforce are the students’ mentors. Through a “one-to-one” mentor-mentee relationship, the workers could share their experience with the mentees. Consequently, the mentees could develop the skill of “learning how to learn.” This paper used concept analysis to illustrate career mentoring in universities. It included: 1) The challenges that the students are facing. 2) The importance of career mentoring. 3) The concepts and principles of career mentoring. 4) Why students needs to foster effective career development skills. 5) Existing literatures and outcomes. 6) Career mentoring’s prototype and project design. 7) Implications. The paper would contribute to the actual implementation of career mentoring, and provide useful data for future researchers.
起訖頁 027-053
關鍵詞 高等教育職涯師徒制生涯發展師傅徒弟higher educationcareer mentoringcareer developmentmentormentee
刊名 技術及職業教育學報  
期數 201103 (4:1期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學工業教育學系
該期刊-下一篇 我國技術校院學校組織創新之探討




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