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To Develop the Scales for Brand Management at Vocational High Schools
作者 黃義良 (Yi-Lian Huang)
本研究旨在精進高級職業學校品牌管理的量表,量表係修改自APME 模式(現 況分析、品牌企劃、品牌行銷與品牌權益),但部份的文獻與專家意見指出可將前 二者合併而成為PME 模式;研究中兼顧教育服務提供者與服務使用者的觀點,採 問卷調查法,以分層隨機叢集方式抽樣台灣地區公私立高級職業學校之教育人 員、學生與家長等相關利益關係人共31 校832 人,有效回收548 份,有效回收率 為65.9%,經SEM 考驗後發現各構面具有不錯之適配度,總題目由64 題精簡為 55 題,各構面具有不錯之信效度,構面間也具有區辨效度,兩種模式中以PME 模 式適配度較佳,其效度複核情形也良好。路徑分析發現學校的品牌企劃影響品牌 行銷,而品牌行銷又對品牌權益產生影響;受試者知覺各構面運作達良好程度, 其中以品牌權益的運作情形最佳。
The purpose of this study is to refine scales for brand management at vocational high schools. The original scales were constructed based on APME mode (current status, brand projecting, brand marketing and brand equity). However, some of the literatures and expert opinions indicated that the first two parts could be combined to form PME mode. This study treated the viewpoints of educational service suppliers and users equally, and questionnaires were used. 832 related parties, including school staff, students and parents at 31 schools, were selected using stratified random cluster sampling from public and private vocational high schools in Taiwan. 548 were returned with valid responses, and hence yielded an effective return rate of 65.9%. After being tested by SEM mode, it is found that each dimensions show a good model fit. 64 questions were refined to 55, and there is discriminate validity among each dimension. Of the two modes, PME mode has better model fit, and good cross validation. After path analysis, it is found that brand projecting has an influence on brand marketing, and the latter has an impact on brand equity. How an interviewee perceives the operation of each dimension reaches an ideal level. Among them, the operating status of brand equity is the best.
起訖頁 059-085
關鍵詞 品牌管理品牌行銷品牌權益量表發展高級職業學校brand managementbrand marketingscale developmentvocational high schools
刊名 技術及職業教育學報  
期數 201008 (3:3期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學工業教育學系
該期刊-上一篇 臺北市高職工科初任教師生涯規劃之探析
該期刊-下一篇 行為意圖、激勵、壓力對數位科技應用行為的影響




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