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A Case Study on the Impact of Storytelling as a Teaching Model to Infuse Creativity into the Professional Electronics Subjects of a Vocational High School
作者 戴建耘陳宛非袁宇熙
It is essential for curriculum design and teaching method to improve with the times and educators have to fulfill their obligations to knowledge transmission, especially in the dramatically changing era of knowledge economy. The purpose of this study is trying to raise the quality of manpower in basic level and the demand of economic development by promote technical creative thinking ability of vocational high school’s student for problem solving. The researchers devoted to analysis the feedback data from teachers and students who attend experiment of infuse into the curriculum by innovator story telling in professional curriculums. The research result can be suggestions for future teaching method and curriculum design development. The sourcing of date come from both literature review and in-deep interview, furthermore, purposeful sampling is applied for sample collection. In-deep interview records of teachers and students’ self-statement are used for data analysis. The Ground Theory is applied for data analysis as research method to enhance the research quality.The research findings as: first, teachers are positive towered the effort of infuse into the curriculum by innovator storytelling in professional curriculums. Moreover, the reasons of their positive response include the use of creativity teaching in the classroom, enhancement of students’ key compentencies and positive changes in students’ learning behaviour/attitude in class. Creative ideas are begin to be thought by students through teacher’s leading and instructing. Otherwise, the students felt it was a novel experience to be in a class where there were no standard answers and where they were encouraged to answer their teachers’ questions freely and openly. Furthermore, the students are interested in additional professional knowledge and began to take more care to observe their surrounding environment. The most importance is they are welling to cultivate their creativity caused by the innovators’ story in the classroom.
起訖頁 041-071
關鍵詞 創造思考教學創造思考能力技術創造力融入式教學紮根理論teaching of creative thinkingcreative thinking abilitiestechnological creativityteaching model of infuse into the curriculumground theory
刊名 技術及職業教育學報  
期數 200908 (3:2期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學工業教育學系
該期刊-上一篇 專科學校教師工作自主性、組織學習、團體凝聚力與課程與教學創新之關係研究




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