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A Study of the Core Competence for Employees in Informational Industry
作者 張吉成
本研究旨在依據職能本位理論,建立科技大學資訊類畢業生之組織核心職 能。研究採用文獻分析、職能面談、個案研究、調查研究等方法。研究之進行以 某人力資源心理測驗研發中心為例,完成資訊類畢業生之核心職能及其調查問卷 之發展,研究之重點在於建立KSAOs 職能清單、核心職能;訪談個案公司主管和 績優人員作職能確認,以完成發展調查工具。問卷採Cronbach’s α 作信度考驗, 效度則作Bartlett 球型檢定和KMO 適合度考驗,最後進行主成份分析與典型相關 分析。研究結論獲得畢業生應具備之組織核心職能計有六項因素,依其影響強度 由高至低為:追求卓越的創新、客戶導向、溝通協調、適應組織變革、問題分析 與解決、團隊合作等,應進一步規劃與設計必要的相對應課程,或可作為相關學 系系本位課程調整之參考。
The purpose of this study was to form the core competence for graduates in University of science and technology based on the competence-based theories. The study methods include adopting literature review, competence interview, survey research, and the case study. The key points of the study were to build KSAOs competence list and the core competence, to interview both supervisors and the employees that have better performance in order to form the core competences, and to develop a questionnaire within an example of HRD’s company. The questionnaire uses Cronbach’s α for reliability, and the Bartlett test, the KMO test, the Principle analysis, and Canonical correlation. Finally, the conclusions obtained six factors of core competence, and their impact from high to low is as below: the pursuit of excellence in innovation, customer orientation, communication and co-ordination, to adapt organizational change, problem analysis and solving, as well as teamwork. The necessary corresponding curriculum should be further planned and designed as a reference of the adjustment of the department-based curriculum.
起訖頁 025-041
關鍵詞 組織核心職能系本位課程典型相關分析core competencedepartment-based curriculumcanonical correlation
刊名 技術及職業教育學報  
期數 200906 (3:1期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學工業教育學系
該期刊-上一篇 專科學校組織創新評鑑指標建構之研究




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