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From Physical to Online Banking-The Dual Moderating Effects of Relationship Inertia and Satisfaction
作者 李國瑋
網路購物在日常生活中的重要性與日俱增,然而在交易過程中難免會發生服務失誤,如何利用有效的服務補救策略來進行失誤更正,成為線上經營業者非常重要的議題,然而迄今對於購物網站之服務補救的研究仍不常見。有鑒於此,本研究探討購物網站失誤類型與業者所提供補救策略的交互作用是否會影響顧客的認知公平,接著探討認知公平與補救後滿意度之關係,以及此關係是否會受到顧客在線上購物涉入程度之調節作用。本研究採用情境模擬法,依據服務失誤類型與補救策略之不同共分為二十個實驗情境。根據228 份有效資料之分析結果顯示,在不同的服務失誤情境下,實質和心理補救方式各具有不同的效果,而顧客所的認知公平亦會經其涉入程度的調節,進而影響其補救後滿意度。
The issue of service quality is getting important in the context of cyberspace. Compared with brick-and-mortar, online retail store may occur more service problems during service delivery. Due to the characteristics of service, failures are unavoidable therefore how to correct the failure and compensate customers still unclear. This study applied scenarios method to discover the effect of recovery strategies on customer perceived justice and customer satisfaction with service recovery in various failure types; further, the moderator effect of online shopping involvement on the relationship between customer perceived justice and customer satisfaction with service recovery was also investigated. Results based on 228 valid respondents indicated that the interaction of service failure type and service recovery has significant effects on customer perceived justice. Further, online shopping involvement has moderating effect on the relationship between customer perceived justice and satisfaction.
起訖頁 17-52
關鍵詞 網路銀行實體銀行轉換意圖關係慣性滿意度Online bankingPhysical bankIntension towards switchRelationship inertiaSatisfaction
刊名 電子商務學報  
期數 201403 (16:1期)
出版單位 中華企業資源規劃學會
該期刊-上一篇 惡意域名受害族群估計--使用聯合超幾何最大似然估計法
該期刊-下一篇 線上購物服務失誤類型與補救策略、認知公平與補救後滿意度之關係




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