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The Influence of Online Brand Community Identification and Engagement on Consumer Behaviors
作者 蔡明達 (Ming-Dar Tsai)劉宇傑
本研究以五次的實證研究來探索與驗證網路使用者使用線上社交網站的因素,藉由實證一進行43 位使用者的深度訪談及實證二535 份的紙筆問卷,再以實證三193份的線上調查問卷,提出七個使用線上社交網站的因素,這七個因素分別為:關係維持、拓展社交網路、尋求人氣、抒發情緒、獲取資訊、娛樂與消磨時間。根據前三次的實證研究,本研究提出一個包含21 題問卷題項的社交網站使用量表,來衡量網路使用者使用線上社交網站的使用。實證四進行一個242 位受訪者的線上問卷調查,以了解社會臨場感與知覺互補性對於Facebook 社交網站使用之影響。結果顯示,社會臨場感的程度對於關係維持、拓展社交網路、尋求人氣、抒發情緒與消磨時間有影響。而知覺互補性對於拓展社交網路、獲取資訊、娛樂與消磨時間有影響。最後,實證五進行281 份的紙筆問卷調查分析,透過多重特質多重方法矩陣(MTMM)分析五大人格量表、Facebook 七個使用因素之強制排序法與李克特量表兩個統計方法的相關係數比較,以驗證七個使用Facebook 因素的適當性。經過五次的實證研究,本研究所發展之線上社交網站使用因素量表具有高度的信效度。
The paper investigates and is explored the motivation of users to use online social networking sites Facebook by five empirical studies. In the first study, 43 users have been asked what motivations you have in the Facebook as a depth interview. And those motivations were selected by three experts as the paper and pencil questionnaire for 535 participants to purify the raw scale in the second study. Then, the third study with 27 online questionnaires asked 193 participates for seven motivations of using online social networking sites Facebook. A 21 item scale developed in this study was provided to measure users’ motives for using social network sites. Furthermore, the fourth study processes an online survey of 242 subjects to validate the scale and discuss the social presence and perceived complementary whether has effect on motives. The result showed that social presence has significant effect on relationship maintenance, network extension, needing for popularity, venting emotion, and passing time. The perceived complementary has significant effect on network extension, venting emotion, entertainment, and passing time. The fifth study processes a paper-and -pencil questionnaire for 281 subjects to validate the scale using different research method (MTMM). Finally, seven motives for using social network sites were proposed and validated: relationship maintenance, network extension, needing for popularity, venting emotion, entertainment, obtaining information and passing time.
起訖頁 295-317
關鍵詞 網路品牌社群品牌社群認同社群投入使用經驗再購意願Online brand communityCommunity identificationCommunity engagementProduct experienceRepurchase intention
刊名 電子商務學報  
期數 201306 (15:2期)
出版單位 中華企業資源規劃學會
該期刊-上一篇 會員制網站成員黏著意圖之決定因素研究:以華人第一時尚美容網站Fashion Guide為例




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