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An Empirical Research of Online Consumers’ Repurchase Behavior
作者 何靖遠賴宜楓
「開發一個新顧客的代價是留住一個現有顧客的五或六倍」已經成為互動式行銷的一則格言。準此,了解線上消費者的再購行為,有助於電子商務業者找出潛在的回流顧客,進而以具成本效益的方式增加營收。目前我們只能找到線上再購意圖或忠誠意圖的文獻,線上再購行為的研究則付之闕如。本研究結合行銷領域的 RFM模型以及拍賣網站所提供評價資訊,建立線上再購行為影響因素的研究模型。研究者使用網頁內容探勘的方式,蒐集台灣 Yahoo!奇摩拍賣中 T恤類別商品在 2011年 3月份的真實交易資料以及買賣雙方的歷史交易資料。我們以六個月有效回購時間定義再購,邏輯迴歸分析顯示自我因循的從眾行為包括交易的時間間隔、買賣雙方交易總次數以及前次交易買方給予賣方的評價對於再購行為有顯著的影響。最後針對研究發現進行討論和事後分析,並提出管理實務意涵。
‘Acquiring a new customer is five/six times more costly than retaining an existing one’ has turned into a maxim of interactive marketing. Accordingly, understanding the online consumers’ repurchase behaviors can facilitate an e-business to identify potential returning customers and increase revenues in a more cost-effective way. Literature of online repurchase intention or loyalty intention can be found, but not for repurchase behavior. We established a research model of online consumers’ repurchase behavior and its antecedents using the RFM model and ratings provided by auction website. Using web content mining technique, we collected real transaction data of T-shirt category from Taiwan’s Yahoo! Auction website in March, 2011 and the historical data of those buyerseller airs found in March transactions. Six-month is used to define valid repurchase cycle and through the logistic regression analysis, we found that the self-herding behavior, including the recency and the frequency of past buyer-seller transactions, and the rating given by the buyer have significant impacts on buyer’s repurchase behavior. Finally, we discuss the findings with post-hoc analysis, and provide practical/managerial implications of this study.
起訖頁 307-328
關鍵詞 再購行為RFM模型賣方評價實徵研究Repurchase behaviorRFM modelSeller's ratingEmpirical research
刊名 電子商務學報  
期數 201206 (14:2期)
出版單位 中華企業資源規劃學會
該期刊-上一篇 整合雲端運算技術與服務導向架構(SOA)建構審計支援系統
該期刊-下一篇 Exploring the Effects of Sharing Information on Expected Cost under the VMI Model




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