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Development and Validation of a Scale to Measure Blog Service Quality
作者 吳有龍陶幼慧楊倍箕李京圃
近年來部落格數目與影響力迅速的成長,使得部落格成為近來一個熱門的研究議題。然而,正式文獻中僅有一些涉及顧客滿意及服務品質的模式研究,缺乏專門探討部落格網站的服務品質的研究,對已普及化的Web 2 .0網路工具之一而言,學術研究的進展上遠不及實務應用上的需求。本研究首先彙整相關之文獻進行評判分析,從中推導出適用於部落格服務品質概念之基本題項,並建構多階段之量表發展程序,以檢驗並揭露出評量部落格網站服務品質之因素結構。研究結果顯示由21個題項所萃取出的系統功能性、安全與回應、個人化、有效性以及娛樂性五個構面,為影響部落格網站服務品質之關鍵因素。本研究提出實務面與管理面之意涵和建議,預計不但可填補學術研究上對於部落格於網站服務品質深化知識之不足,更可提供部落格網站、使用者及後續學術研究的一個有效衡量基礎工具。
Blogs have become an appealing research topic due to their rapid growth and increasing influence. However, there are only a few literatures concerning the customer satisfaction of bloggers and the service quality of blog websites, which indicates that the development of blog websites as a popular Web 2.0 tool has fallen far behind the dictates of academic research. To address this issue, this study first conducted a critical analysis by aggregating relevant literature and by deriving the basic items applicable to the concept of blog service quality. A multi-stage scale development process was then constructed to investigate and to identify factors needed in evaluating the service quality of blog websites. The results showed that System Functionality, Security/Responsiveness, Personalization, Efficiency, and Enjoyment were the five key factors affecting the service quality of blog websites. This study proposed managerial and practical implications, which are expected to fulfill the research gap in the service quality literature of blog websites, as well as to provide an effective and robust evaluation tool for blog websites, users, and researchers.
起訖頁 211-232
關鍵詞 部落格網站服務品質量表建置BlogE-service qualityE-SQScale development
刊名 電子商務學報  
期數 201203 (14:1期)
出版單位 中華企業資源規劃學會
該期刊-上一篇 結合TOPSIS與AHP法於網路服務信任評估之研究




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