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The Development of A Multiple-Item Scale for Measuring Online Opinion Leader
作者 蔡瑤昇 (Yau-Sheng Tsai)呂文琴洪榮照 (Rong-Zhao Hong)
網際網路的興盛提供了新型態的資訊交流管道,使得意見領袖的影響力不再侷限於僅透過傳統環境面對面的口碑傳播,因網路環境而生的網路意見領袖,藉著網路口碑來發揮其更廣大的影響力;因此,意見領袖的「質」與「量」已儼然產生明顯的變化。然而過去文獻所發展的意見領袖量表皆建構於傳統環境,對於網路意見領袖的測量缺乏完整且具體的工具。本研究透過實體與網路發放問卷,在 352份有效樣本進行探索性因素分析和驗證性因素分析之後,發展出具有良好信度與效度的網路意見領袖量表,提出包含傳統領袖特質、持久涉入、產品知識察覺、探索行為、網路創新、電腦能力及領域涉入等七大構面總計 21題項,並提出建議與未來研究方向。
The prosperity of the internet provides new type of information exchange and communications. It makes word of mouth not just only face to face communication but also changing the quality and quantity of online opinion leader. However, the construct of the present opinion leader scale was built in a traditional environment. It lacks of fitness for measuring online opinion leader in a virtual environment. The research conducted question naires to physical and online surveys and obtains 352 valid samples. By using exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis, an online opinion leader scale is developed with good reliability and validity. The study points out seven constructs, including traditional characteristics of opinion leader, enduring involvement, self-perceived knowledge, exploratory behaviour, innovativeness, computer skills, and field involvement. And twenty-one measuring items are identified. The study also provides suggestions for the academic and management implications. The futur e research suggestions are provided as well.
起訖頁 759-779
關鍵詞 網路意見領袖量表發展網路口碑Online opinion leaderScale developmentOnline word-of-mouth
刊名 電子商務學報  
期數 201112 (13:4期)
出版單位 中華企業資源規劃學會
該期刊-下一篇 社會影響與社群特性對於部落客任務價值及Blog持續使用意圖之影響




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