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The Application of ERP to the Rescue and Relief of Natural Disaster: The Case of Typhoon Morak
作者 陳瓊瑤
ERP為企業資源規劃與整合之資訊系統,由於其功能強大,而廣為企業所應用。從資源整合的角度來看,天然災害之搶救與重建所牽涉的資源管理,與企業的ERP運作有很多類似之處。然而,此一企業廣泛使用的工具,卻未被運用於今日救災時的資源管理,以致於每次救災行動中,總有許多資源調度不當,或分配不均現象,而造成救援遲緩與資源的浪費。本文將ERP觀念導入天然救災之資源整合與作業管理中,並以莫拉克颱風之情境模擬,示範鼎新Workflow ERP之應用。期使社會各界重視救災ERP資訊系統之建立,進而提高救災資源整合之有效運用。
ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) information system has been widely applied in business for its powerful features and is seen as essential in integration management. From the perspective of resource integration, the logistics operation of immediate disaster relief and reconstructions in the aftermath do have something in common to that of business operations. However, little research has been done in applying the ERP concept to the resource management of humanitarian relief of natural disasters. Streams of unsolicited and inappropriate supplies often flow into the disaster areas and clog the ports and warehouses, or even become obstacles to the aid agencies in making the supply of much-needed goods more difficult. This paper aims to introduce the ERP concept into the strategic planning and logistics operation procedure for disaster relief. The case of Typhoon Morak (2009) which caused widespread flooding in Southern Taiwan is simulated to the ERP Workflow system of Data Systems Consulting Co. This paper strives to urge the attention to build an ERP System for Disaster Relief Management so as to promote the integration of relief resources by balancing supply-demand sides and improving the efficiency of relief operations.
起訖頁 339-362
關鍵詞 災難救援資源整合災難管理ERPHumanitarian logisticsResources integrationDisaster management
刊名 電子商務學報  
期數 201106 (13:2期)
出版單位 中華企業資源規劃學會
該期刊-上一篇 電信解除管制後新產品服務知覺品質、服務等候、企業形象與知覺價值對消費者行為意向之影響--臺灣三大電信公司服務競爭模型之比
該期刊-下一篇 失效模式與效應分析及無線射頻識別技術於疫苗配送流程之應用




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