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Leading to Blue Ocean through Culture Originality - The case of Franz's culture value added and branding strategy
作者 蔡瑤昇 (Yau-Sheng Tsai)黃儀婷呂文琴邊守仁
本個案描述法藍瓷(Franz Collection Inc.)在2001年品牌誕生後面對產能負荷不足須尋求新產區的抉擇及後續與景德鎮的城市品牌共同發展歷程;法藍瓷這個年輕的文化創意精品品牌,自2006年到2010年間發展出多樣化的異業策略聯盟合作模式,以及為了接軌國際奠基品牌高度而與國際級設計大師及法國第一瓷器品牌柏圖合作來將品牌領域迅速擴張,在個案中詳細描述過程中決策者的思維。 本個案分成兩大主題:第一主題「文化縱向深耕」,意從宏觀的角度來看文化創意精品品牌的品牌權益加值;引導學生以雙贏策略及精品附加價值及產品層次理論來思考法藍瓷的文化加值操作。第二主題「品牌橫向開創」,依照與異業間的藝術授權與品牌理念契合思考、同業聯盟之競合關係管理及接軌國際之跨界整合,探討其對於文化創意精品品牌的發展,並進行深入討論。
The case is about Franz Collection Inc. facing lack of production capacity when the company decided to build its own new brand (Franz) in 2001. The top management had to make decision of looking for a new production base. Consequently, a co-branding was developed between commercial brand (Franz) and city brand (Jingdezhen). Franz, a young brand, has been developed to be an international famous and popular china brand. From 2006 to 2010, top management’s strategic thinking of co-operating with famous French designer (Jean Boggio) and china-ware brand (Bernardaud) wan introduced as well. The case consists of two topics. One focuses on culture value added. This topic will guide students to learn product levels, brand equity and Win-Win strategy. The other on focuses on branding strategy which will guide students to learn brand building, brand development, co-branding and strategic alliance.
起訖頁 149-169
關鍵詞 文化加值品牌開創品牌策略聯合品牌策略聯盟Culture value addedBrand building and developmentBranding strategyCo-branding and strategic alliance
刊名 電子商務學報  
期數 201010 (12:專刊期)
出版單位 中華企業資源規劃學會
該期刊-上一篇 光璧企業股份有限公司--新產品開發混沌




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