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An Investigation of Application Value and Critical Management Factors with Corporate Blogs
作者 翁崇雄陳羿綺
近年來部落格現象在網路上快速興起,並引起企業界的重視與採用。而部落格對企業有何應用價值,企業如何有效經營部落格以達到企業目標,對於想要透過部落格獲益的企業而言,都是重要的議題。 本研究綜合各學者之論述,建構出一個企業部落格商業應用價值架構,將其劃分為內部及外部應用,內部應用包含:內部溝通及知識管理;而外部應用包含:商品行銷、建立客戶關係、思想領導、產品開發和客戶服務及危機處理。本研究也提出32項影響企業部落格之經營要點,包含:組織應建立部落格管理政策、部落格內容應經常更新、保持部落格內容真實性等,這些研究結果可作為學術界及實務界的參考與應用。
With the rapid rise of blog phenomenon on the Internet in recent years, it has attracted attention and adoption in the businesses. Moreover, what the application value of corporate blogs is and how businesses manage corporate blogs effectively to achieve business objectives are fundamental issues for those businesses who desired to benefit from corporate blogs. The study was combined with perspectives from various scholars to develop a framework of application value of corporate blogs in commerce and was divided into internal and external applications. Internal applications were included: internal communication, knowledge management; external applications were included: products marketing, building customer relationship, thought leadership, product development, customer service and crisis management. This study also proposed 32 critical management factors influencing on corporate blogs, including: managerial policies of corporate blogs should be established by organizations, contents of corporate blogs should be updated frequently and kept truly and so on. These findings could be used as the academic and practical references and applications.
起訖頁 173-184
關鍵詞 部落格企業部落格應用價值經營要素BlogCorporate blogApplication valueCritical management factor
刊名 電子商務學報  
期數 200903 (11:1期)
出版單位 中華企業資源規劃學會
該期刊-上一篇 由周邊路徑效果探討特定網路廣告態度形成:人機互動、情緒及一般網路廣告態度
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