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The Impact of Relationship Benefits and Power Symmetry on Quality of Strategy in Supply Chain
作者 陳昭宏莊育維
Antecedent studies have never thought of benefit factors when they were studying the quality of strategy; however, the benefit factor will affect the quality of strategy through other mediate variables in practice. Therefore, we can not thoroughly describe the actions in practice if we do not take benefit factors into consideration. In fact, a company will take account of relationship benefit when they consider to link with other organizations. When the linkage is favorable to the company, the company will prefer to link together. The relationship benefit will affect the connectedness of each other; hence, the functional conflict and dysfunctional conflict will be influenced. Thus, the quality of strategy of linkage is affected in the end. At the same time, relationship benefit will affect the power symmetry of each other. If one side can obtain higher relationship benefit, it will cause power asymmetry and conflicts and finally, affect the quality of strategy of linkage. Nonetheless, antecedent studies have never verified that the relationship benefit will affect the power symmetry. For this reason, our study will not only verify the overall model fit, but also be the first study to confirm the relationship between the relationship benefit and power symmetry. In order to build an overall theoretical framework, our study will take the relationship benefits and the quality of strategy to our main shaft to discuss how relationship benefit influences other factors, and how they finally affect the quality of strategy of cooperation.
起訖頁 29-49
關鍵詞 跨組織間關係關係利益權力對稱性策略品質Interorganizational relationshipsRelationship benefitPower symmetryQuality of strategy
刊名 電子商務學報  
期數 200903 (11:1期)
出版單位 中華企業資源規劃學會
該期刊-上一篇 影響部落格使用意向的前置因素
該期刊-下一篇 Learning Organization, Typologies of Learning Pattern and Their Links to Organizational Performance for Knowledge-intensive organizations




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