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Adoption and Adoption Continuance of Online Banking
作者 余強生
本研究整合科技接受模式2與創新擴散理論作為研究的基礎,藉以探討影響人們採用網路銀行信念、行為以及持續使網路銀行意願的主要因素。利用學者Rogers (2003) 所提出的創新採用者類別,本研究並將受測者非類為創新者、早期採用者、早期大眾、晚期大眾以及落後者。據此,實證研究結果顯示:影響受測者採用網路銀行的前三大主要因素為認知信任度、認知有用性和認知方便性,而影響已採用者持續使用網路銀行的前兩大關鍵因素為服務品質的多樣性、完整性以及可靠性。此外,若銀行欲加強現有客戶使用網路銀行的頻率,則網路銀行服務品質的多樣性、完整性、信任性、有用性以及回應性是主要關鍵因素。
This study combines the technology acceptance model 2 (TAM2) and innovation diffusion theory (IDT) as a research basis to explore what influences individual beliefs and behaviors on the adoption of online banking and what influences individual willingness to continuously banking online. The innovation adopter category presented by Rogers (Rogers, 2003) is used herein as an instrument to classify respondents into five categories of innovators, early adopters, early majority, late majority, and laggards. Accordingly, empirical results indicate that the top three determinants influencing people to bank online are perceived trust, perceived usefulness, and perceived convenience. Service quality in relation to variety and completeness as well as reliability is crucial for people continuously banking online, and the service quality of variety and completeness, trust, usefulness, and responsiveness is critical for banks in enhancing the frequency of existing customers banking online.
起訖頁 1067-1106
關鍵詞 網路銀行科技採用模式創新擴散理論Online bankingTechnology acceptance modelInnovation diffusion theory
刊名 電子商務學報  
期數 200812 (10:4期)
出版單位 中華企業資源規劃學會
該期刊-上一篇 ARIMA與適應性SVM之混合模型於股價指數預測之研究
該期刊-下一篇 影響部落格加值服務購買行為之因素研究




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