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Recommender System based on Integrated Technique of Fuzzy Weight and Information Retrieval
作者 鄭景俗陳智賢蘇勇戩
面對資訊超載的時代,資訊檢索能有效率地提供更有價值的資訊也能減輕資訊超載的問題。資訊檢索的技術被廣泛應用於各種領域,例如:搜索引擎、資料探勘等,而推薦系統便是其中一例。近年來,電子商務蓬勃發展,推薦系統也被應用在增加消費者滿意度以及提高顧客忠誠度。但是推薦系統仍存在著一些問題有持克服。例如:協同過濾式的推薦方式,有「資料稀疏性」的問題,在新產品推出時或是沒有相關社群時會因為資料量太少而無法推薦;而內容導向式的推薦方式,會因為使用者無法明確提供興趣目標的描述時,而影響到相似物件的比對,造成找不到推薦產品的窘境。本研究應用模糊權重資訊檢索整合技術來強化傳統的推薦系統,使用者對產品屬性不需有專業知識,僅需利用語言表達其對產品屬性的重要性,即可以查詢出所要的理想產品。本研究提供三種屬性權重運算方式:模糊OWA (order weighted averaging)、正規化模糊權重以及有經驗者偏好權重。使用者可依照個人不同情境的偏好,彈性地調整各項屬性權重分配,讓推薦結果更合理,達到有效推薦的目的。本研究根據所提出的模式建置一個數位相機推薦的雛形系統,經由雛形系統的實驗可以得知:(1) 模糊OWA權重運用於產品推薦上具有相當好的成效,(2) 正規化模糊權重提供使用者較大彈性的查詢條件,正規化處理後的屬性權重更能客觀的反應使用者對屬性的重視程度,(3) 有經驗者偏好權重必須透過大量問卷分析取得有經驗者對於 各項屬性的重視程度,讓使用者能參考「群組意見」,作為購買決策依據,在推薦效果上相當有幫助。在三種權重運算方式的比較,模糊OWA權重運算方式所得到的推薦產品,皆能涵蓋另兩種權重運算方式所推薦的產品,具有較高成效性的推薦效果。
In the era of information overload, information retrieval technologies can solve the problem of information overload and extract valuable information efficiently from database. Information retrieval technologies are widely applied in many information technology fields such as: search engine, data mining, especially in Electronic Commerce recommender systems. In recent years, by the booming development in the Electronic Commerce, recommender system design has been utilized in Electronic Commerce websites to improve customer satisfaction and loyalty. However, there are two problems which have not been completely solved in traditional recommender systems: (l) the collaborative filtering recommendation approaches will be non-functional, because there is insufficient information in new products or related community. (2) The content-based recommendation approaches will be useless when users can not precisely point out their interesting and needs for products.
This paper proposes a recommender system based on integrated technique of fuzzy weight and information retrieval to enhance the traditional recommender systems. By using linguistic expressions to define good attributes, the proposed system can make users find out their target goods without the priority knowledge of these goods. There are three weight operators provided in the proposed system: (1) fuzzy OWA operator, (2) fuzzy normalization operator, and (3) preference operator based on experienced users. With these weight operators, users can adjust the attribute weights more flexibly to make the searching results more reasonable to users, and, therefore, make the proposed recommender system more effectively in recommending products.
Based on the proposed method, we developed a web-based prototype of digital camera recommender system. From the verification results for the prototype, there are three findings provided: (l) The fuzzy OWA operators perform very proper recommender results for users; (2) The fuzzy normalized weight operators offer more flexible query conditions for users, and represent the user concern for good attributes more impersonal. (3) The preference operator based on experienced users wills helpful recommender results by using the suggestion of the community. However, from the comparison result of three different operators, it indicates that recommender results, recommended from the fuzzy OWA weight operator, comprise the outputs from the other two operators, and, therefore, the proposed system provides better recommended results with higher coverage .
起訖頁 781-803
關鍵詞 模糊OWA運算子推薦系統資訊檢索模糊查詢Fuzzy order weighted averaging operatorRecommender systemInformation retrievalFuzzy query
刊名 電子商務學報  
期數 200809 (10:3期)
出版單位 中華企業資源規劃學會
該期刊-上一篇 An Invisible Network of Knowledge Production in the Electronic Commerce Field: Theory and Evidence




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