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The Effects of Customer Capital and Market Orientation on Organizational Performance of B2C E-Commerce Business
作者 張愛華曾忠蕙
西元2000年dot.com公司的股票崩盤結束後,顧客價值便成為網路世界中企業策略的解答。然而,顧客資本在近幾年的台灣電子商務業界中運作的成效到底如何?本研究欲深入探討顧客資本對電子商務業者經營績效的影響,其中,顧客資本包含基本行銷能力、市場拓展、市場強度、顧客回應、品牌權益與通路配合等六項構面,並同時探討這六項構面與市場導向的交互作用。本研究針對國內電子商務業者進行問卷調查,305家B2C有效問卷之分析結果大致呼應資源基礎理論的觀點,主要發現為:(1) 顧客資本的基本行銷能力、市場強度、顧客回應、品牌權益與通路配合等對企業營收有顯著正向影響,其中,基本行銷能力、品牌權益與市場導向交互作用對企業營收有顯著正向影響;(2) 顧客回應與通路配合對企業獲利性呈現顯著正向影響,而顧客回應 與市場導向交互作用對獲利性有顯著正向影響;(3) 市場拓展以及其與市場導向的交互作用皆對營收成長率呈現顯著正向影響。
Customer value has been advocated as a promising solution for the predicament of dot.com companies following the collapse wave in 2000. However, how does customer capital actually work in Taiwan E-business in recent years? This research investigates the effects of customer capital and cultural capital-market orientation on organizational performance. Customer capital is decomposed into six dimensions: basic marketing capabilities, market development, market intensity, customer response, brand equity, and channel cooperation. Using survey method, we investigate 305 B2C E-businesses to delineate these relationships. Results generally reflected resource-based view. Specifically, we find that many aspects of customer capital have positive effects on the revenue and profitability of E-business. The interplay between market orientation and certain aspects of customer capital, e.g., marketing capabilities, customer response, and brand equity have positive effects on revenue performance and business profitability. In addition, the interplay between market orientation and market development has a positive effect on growth of revenue of E-Business.
起訖頁 727-756
關鍵詞 電子商務顧客資本市場導向經營績效Customer capitalMarket orientationOrganizational performanceE-commerce business
刊名 電子商務學報  
期數 200809 (10:3期)
出版單位 中華企業資源規劃學會
該期刊-上一篇 具隱私保護之RFID雙向鑑別機制
該期刊-下一篇 An Invisible Network of Knowledge Production in the Electronic Commerce Field: Theory and Evidence




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