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A Conceptual Model for e-Logistics EIS Information Requirement Analysis
作者 王雯宗王淑娟王銘宗周孚茂陳啟明 (Chi-Ming Chen)郭忠和
高階管理層的要務乃在隨時確認並保有企業的競爭優勢,為幫助高階主管於瞬息萬變的商業環境做出正確的抉擇,高階主管資訊系統 (EIS) 乃希冀提供高階主管決策時所需之正確與及時訊息。過往文獻皆再三強調並致力於探究訊息品質在EIS中的重要性,然如何萃取整理高階主管所需之資訊,實乃不容忽視,亦為本研究之主要目標與課題。本研究接櫫關鍵成功要素階層模型 (CSF Hierarchy Model ),藉以分析萃取高階主管資訊系統資訊需求,其步驟有三:首先,本模型將EIS的資訊需求組成階層狀,將企業目標與整體策略置於頂端,而細部關鍵成功要素與績效評估則置於底部。其次,關鍵成功要素依據其影響範圍與穩定程度分成四級:環境級關鍵成功要素 (Environment level CSFs)、產業級關鍵成功要素( Industry level CSFs )、組織級關鍵成功要素 (Organization level CSFs)、與個人級關鍵成功要素( Individual level CSFs )。最後,依照其詳細程度,此模型由上至下分成四階層:廣範級關鍵成功要素 (Broad CSFs )、具體級關鍵成功要素 (Specific CSFs )、具體級關鍵成功活動 (Specific CSAs)、及績效評估 (Performance Measures )。此外,為闡明提出關鍵成功要素階層方法之可行性,本研究針對台灣數十家物流公司,歸納整理出代表性案例,以此模型分析驗證高階主管資訊系統之資訊架構。
One of the ideal managerial goals is to identify and maintain the enterprises' competitive advantage wherever possible. To help top-level managers make right decisions in the ever changing business environment, the executive information system (EIS) is built to assist them by providing right information. From the relevant literature, most researchers agree that the quality of information plays a critical role in EIS. Therefore, how to collect the right information required by top executives is a vital issue of all concerns and will be the main objective of this paper. This research proposes a Critical Success Factor (CSF) Hierarchy Model to identify the ETS information requirements in three steps: First, the CSF Hierarchy Model organizes EIS information into a hierarchy with the business goals or overall strategies on the top and corresponding CSFs at the bottom. Then, the CSFs at the bottom are classified according to stability and fallen into four categories: environment level, industrial level, organization level and individual level. Finally, CSFs in each of these four levels will be further categorized into four layers based on the degree of details, namely, broad CSFs, specific CSFs, specific critical success activities (CSAs), and performance measures. Additionally, in order to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed model, a representative study of several famous logistics corporation cases in Taiwan was conducted to analyze its ETS information requirements.
起訖頁 329-357
關鍵詞 高階主管資訊系統資訊需求分析三角分析關鍵成功要素關鍵成功要素階層模型EISTriangular analysisCSFCSF hierarchy modelExecutive information systemInformation requirement analysisCritical success factorCSF hierarchy
刊名 電子商務學報  
期數 200806 (10:2期)
出版單位 中華企業資源規劃學會
該期刊-下一篇 全球網路零售公司經營績效之研究




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