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The Behavioral Intention to Use E Systems for Employees in Public Utility Company: Analysis Based on TAM and TTF
作者 陳禹辰尚榮安何照義謝素娟
One of the key factors to successfully deploy e business systems lies in the employees' behavioral intention. TAM and TTF have been claimed to be appropriate explanatory theories of this issue. However, previous studies mainly focused on enterprises within private sectors. Public utility companies have been neglected by most research. Innovation theory argues that the performance of innovation implementation is highly related with the results of organizational learning induced from innovation adoption. The bureaucracy inside public utility companies, however, may retard the effects of organizational learning. A model and a set of hypotheses were derived based on the above arguments. A survey was conducted. LISREL was used to verify the research model. The results indicated that TAM and TTF can only partially explain the intention to adopt e systems. Simple functions such as e-mail were the most frequently used and important part of the system. The motives for employees of such companies to use e systems, hen ce, were not the usefulness of the system; instead, ease of use was the primary antecedent of behavior intention, and the degree of voluntariness and computer self-efficacy were antecedents of ease of use. Finally, managerial implications and future research suggestions are proposed.
起訖頁 305-327
關鍵詞 使用意圖科技接受模型任務科技適配模型公用服務事業Behavioral intention to use e systemsTechnology acceptance modelTAMTask-technology fitTTFPublic utility
刊名 電子商務學報  
期數 200803 (10:1期)
出版單位 中華企業資源規劃學會
該期刊-上一篇 多維度推薦系統:應用至行事曆助理




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