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Predicting Consumer Intention to Purchase Life Insurance Online by an Extended Technology Acceptance Model
作者 蕭銘雄鄭曉平
本研究主要是應用延伸式科技接受模型(Extended TAM)為研究架構,探討消費者對線上投保人壽保險的態度與使用意願,並分析可能的影響因素。本研究所建構的延伸式TAM主要是在原始TAM架構中,加入相容性認知、自我效能、規範信念、以及信任等四個構念,成為一個擴充式的研究模型,用來解釋消費者對線上投保之態度與意願;而後以問卷調查方式搜集所需資料,並以迴歸分析方法驗證模型。驗證結果顯示,原始TAM中的有用性認知與易用性認知的影響並未如預期的顯著,反倒是本研究加入的相容性認知對線上投保態度的影響,以及信任、規範信念、與自我效能等三個構念對線上投保意願的影響相當顯著。這證實了原始TAM在描述某些複雜的科技採用行為時,如線上投保,確實有修正與延伸的必要。
The purpose of this study is to predict consumer attitude and intention to purchase life insurance online by extending technology acceptance model (TAM). The way we extend TAM is to add four additional concepts: compatibility, normative beliefs, self-efficacy, and trust, into the original one. We use these four new concepts, along with two old ones, perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use, to predict consumer attitude and intention to purchase life insurance online. The empirical results show that the effects of the two original explanatory variables, perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use, are not as significant as generally expected. Instead, the four new concepts we add have fairly good performance in explaining attitude and intention. Specifically, the effect of compatibility on purchase attitude, and the effects of normative beliefs, self-efficacy, and trust on purchase intention are all very significant. Such results indicate that for certain types of consumer behavior, such as online in surance purchase, TAM may not be a good model to be used to predict consumer intention. Under these circumstances, TAM needs to be well modified so as to be adaptive to the specific behavior types.
起訖頁 1-25
關鍵詞 線上投保科技接受模型相容性規範信念自我效能信任Online insuranceTechnology acceptance modelTAMCompatibilityNormative beliefsSelf-efficacyTrust
刊名 電子商務學報  
期數 200803 (10:1期)
出版單位 中華企業資源規劃學會
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