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A Study of Trust Dynamics in Virtual Group
作者 游佳萍郭峰淵
本研究目的是探討虛擬群組信任的發展歷程,觀察了25組網路大學的學習群組。研究發現有以下數點:第一、利益為基礎的信任對於期初信任的建立非常重要,累積知識後的信任是在期中發展完成,認同感為基礎的信任則是一直維持低的出現比例。第二、以群組的主動來觀察不同的有任發展,高互動群組具有高度的利益為基礎的信任與認同感為基礎的信任。而累積知識後的信任對於長期信任關係的建立是十分重要的。低互動小組則過度依賴利益為基礎的信任,忽略其他信任關係的建立,當面對衝突時,無法持續信任與合作關係。第三、期初快速產生的信任,雖然有助於信任關係的建立,但是也會誤導成員過於依賴這脆弱的信任關係。第四、比較研究結果與Lewicki與Bunker模式的差別,發現三種信任會快速而且同時產生,並且隨著群組發 展的歷程都有不同變化。
This study investigates how trust develops and evolves in the virtual groups. Twenty-five groups in a cyber-university participate in this study. Our preliminary findings suggest that calculated-based trust import in the beginning, knowledge-based trust peaks in the second stage, and identification-based trust remains steady toward the end. The second research question examines the roles the different types of trust play. We find that in H-interactivity groups, the positive assessment of the calculus-based trust and identification-based trust are necessary and knowledge-based trust plays an accentuating role. In contrast, for L-interactivity groups fails in dependence on a single type of trust: calculus-based trust. L-interactivity groups always ignore or get stock in the conflicts. Third, although swift trust is important to support virtual group development in the early stages, it allows for actions that disrupt trust and for errors in misplaced trust. Finally, comparing our results to Lewicki and Bunkers model, Lewicki and Bunkers trust development model never mention these three types of trust are swift trust. And we do not find the transitional stages in trust developmental process.
起訖頁 755-777
關鍵詞 利益為基礎的信任累積知識後的信任認同感為基礎的信任快速產生的信任Calculus-based trustKnowledge-based trustIdentification-based trustSwift trust
刊名 電子商務學報  
期數 200712 (9:4期)
出版單位 中華企業資源規劃學會
該期刊-上一篇 An AHP-based Procedure for Data Warehouse System Selection
該期刊-下一篇 跨網域之匿名行動付款機制




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