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The Study on the Determinants of the Supplier's Adoption of e-Procurement from Transaction Cost and Social Exchange Perspectives
作者 洪廣朋張榕容
二十一世紀的競爭環境下,廠商必須整合供應鏈體系以快速回應顧客的需求。電子化採購 (e-procurement) 在整個供應鏈活動中佔有相當重要的地位。本研究依交易成本(交易頻率、資產專屬性、需求不確定性、與技術不確定性)與社會交換理論(信任、承諾、與權力)的觀點,另外加入廠商規模、產業別與IT能力作為控制變數,進行實證分析影響供應商採用電子化採購交易之因素。本研究採問卷調查,樣本以中華徵信所TOP1000大企業為樣本,對其中有探用電子化採購交易之製造業為對象發放問卷。總共寄發620份問卷,回收有效問卷共138份。本研究發現交易成本變數的交易頻率和技術不確定性與供應商採用電子化採購交易具有正向之關係社會交換變數中的承諾和信任與電子採購交易有顯著影響關係。此外,本研究亦發現控制變數中的規模與IT能力也與電子採購交易有正向關係。本研究之結果可供後續相關研究與業界在採用電子化採購時能考量影響供應商採用之因素。
Under the competitive environment in the 21st century, the manufacturers have to integrate the activities of industrial supply chain to respond rapidly to meet customers’ requirements. E-procurement plays an important role in improving efficiency of supply chain activities. This study tries to investigate the determinants of the supplier’s adoption of e-procurement from transaction cost and social exchange perspectives. In addition, this paper uses firm size, industry, and IT capability as control variables to empirically study the effects of factors of transaction cost and social exchange on the supplier’s adoption of e-procurement. The sample was drawn from the Top 1000 enterprises by China Credit Information Service (CCIS). Of 620 surveys that were mailed out, a total of l38 usable responses were obtained. This study finds that factors of transaction cost involving transaction frequency and technology uncertainty are positively related to the supplier’s adoption of e-procurement. This paper demonstrates that social exchange factors concerning trust and commitment have significant impacts on the adoption of e-procurement. In addition, this study also finds that size and IT capability is positively related to the adoption of e-procurement. This study is instructive to future academic research and the relationships imply that managers should consider transaction cost and social exchange factors when making e-procurement decision.
起訖頁 71-96
關鍵詞 電子化採購交易成本社會交換理論E-procurementTransaction costSocial exchange theory
刊名 電子商務學報  
期數 200703 (9:1期)
出版單位 中華企業資源規劃學會
該期刊-上一篇 網路拍賣之顧客關係管理績效評估要素
該期刊-下一篇 ERP整體性效益分析:組織資訊處理的觀點




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