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An Investigation of the ERP Courses Affecting on Students' Career Anchor
作者 曹文瑜楊惠貞林政坤劉宜菁
全球化已改變了企業經營模式,因此很多企業競相導入企業資源規劃系統 (Enterprise Resource Planning,ERP ) 以提升其競爭優勢。過去關於生涯錨的研究多以一般企業員工或資訊產業人員的生涯規劃為主題,鮮少針對學校課程來探討學生生涯規劃的研究。所以本研究以1978年Schein所提出的「生涯錨」理論為基礎,探討臺灣修習過ERP相關課程學生的個人特性對生涯錨是否有差異存在及生涯錨的影響因素。研究結果顯示個人特性中除了性別和系上是否有輔導考照之外,其餘變項如年齡、電腦使用經驗、受ERP相關教育訓練時數、每週平均學習ERP課程時間和ERP證照數與學生生涯錨均呈顯著的差異存在。另外,發現E即課程熟悉度、ERP課程信任和口碑會顯著地影響證照有用性;而ERP證照有用性會顯著地影響生涯錨。另外,ERP課程熟悉度也會影響ERP課程信任。本研究成功的建構且驗證生涯錨相關因素模型,所得結果可提供即將進入職場並修習過企業資源規劃系統課程的學生提早了解自己的特性和影響生涯規劃的因素,並且能夠塑造學生個人的生涯規劃,指引個人的內部動機,進而影響其生涯之抉擇。最後希望能夠提供學術界新的研究方向。
Globalization has already changed the way of the enterprises' operation. In order to increase the competitive advantages of the enterprises, many businesses implemented the ERP system to support their business operation and management. In past decades, studies concerned with the career anchor only took the personnel of enterprises and information industry into account. Little evidence is aimed at the effect of ERP curriculum learning on students' career planning. This study adopts the Schein's "Career Anchor" theory in 1978 as the foundation to examine students' ERP career anchor in Taiwan. The results showed that the personal characteristics including gender, age, department, school system, hours of study ERP curriculums per week, ERP license number, and computer experiences have significant differences among them except for gender and departments encouraging students getting license. The word of mouth of ERP curriculum, the trust of ERP curriculum, and the familiarity of ERP curriculum have positive impact on the students' the usefulness of ERP license respectively. The familiarity of ERP curriculum has positive impact on the students' trust of ERP curriculum. The usefulness of ERP license has positive impact on the students' career anchor. So, this research builds and verifies the relevant factors model of career anchor successfully. This research provides students who have taken the ERP courses to understand one's own characteristic and factors influencing career planning ahead of time, build students' personal career to plan, and guide the personal motivation to influence the choice that the career. Finally, this research offers a new research direction for academia.
起訖頁 1-25
關鍵詞 企業資源規劃系統生涯錨個人特性ERP課程熟悉度ERP課程信任口碑證照有用性Enterprise resource planningERPCareer anchorPersonal characteristicsFamiliarityTrustLicense useful
刊名 電子商務學報  
期數 200703 (9:1期)
出版單位 中華企業資源規劃學會
該期刊-下一篇 電腦中介傳播對消費者口碑行為的影響




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