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A Hybrid Knowledge Storage and Retrieving Model for Remote Diagnosis and Troubleshooting System
作者 徐煥智廖建賀
客戶服務的品質已成為現代企業維持競爭優勢的一個重要因素。遠端系統診斷 ( Remote Diagnosis ) 與除錯 (Troubleshooting ) 的功能將可適時用來協助與強化自動化客戶服務的機能,而此功能的發揮有賴於後端密集知識的支援。本研究利用貝氏認知網路並結合案例式認知模型來建置一個客戶端的產品維修診斷系統,將企業後端許多具不確定性因素的知識作結構性的儲存並能有效的透過簡易的介面提供給前端使用者來加以使用。在本文中我們說明了整合上述模型的方法與原因,並實作一案例以驗證本模式的可行性。此案例亦可作為未來企業應用時的參考。
The quality of the customer service has become a point of competitive distinction and positional advantage. The functionality of remote system diagnosis and troubleshooting can increase the quality of customer service. However, to provide such a new functionality, business must possess a highly concentrated backstage support capability. In this study we develop an intelligent self customer trouble-shooting assistant system using a hybrid method which integrates Bayesian Belief Network (BBN) and Case-based Reasoning model for customer problems solving. The proposed method performs probability inference to model uncertain domain knowledge and allows unique experience to be memorized and retrieved in a more easy way. The techniques described are demonstrated by an example developed in our laboratory. The example can be a reference model for the people who are interesting to develop a self customer service system.
起訖頁 219-233
關鍵詞 貝氏認知網路案例式認知模式遠端系統診斷與除錯Bayesian Belief NetworkCase-based ReasoningRemote Diagnosis & Troubleshooting
刊名 電子商務學報  
期數 200606 (8:2期)
出版單位 中華企業資源規劃學會
該期刊-上一篇 RFM模型結合貝氏隨機模式與時間序列模式運用於顧客狀態預測
該期刊-下一篇 多階層供應鏈在資訊共享下的前置時間管理:解析方法與績效評估




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