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Impact of Reputation Information on Bidding Price for Online Auction
作者 范懿文陳志忠謝翠娟
A growing number of organizations and individual sellers are selling products or rights of service through online auction markets, such as eBay or Yahoo. Online auction is a new way的exchange products or rights of service by all participants through the Internet. Sellers hope that the final bidding price can be settled as high as possible so that they can maximize their profit from these online auction transactions. However, it is not c1earto both academic researchers and practitioners that what information will influence the final bidding price in online auction transactions. This research aims to investigate the impact of sel1ers’ reputation information on bidding price for online auction. Based on the sample data collected from the real auction transactions from Oct. 2003 to Apr. 2004, the results of this research indicate that the final bidding price for online auction is directly affected by the sel1ers’ bad reputation provided by the online auction market in the Internet, and that sel1ers’good reputation has an indirect influence on the final bidding price, where the number of bids plays as a mediate variable.
起訖頁 163-192
關鍵詞 線上拍賣競標價格評價資訊Online auctionBidding priceReputation information
刊名 電子商務學報  
期數 200606 (8:2期)
出版單位 中華企業資源規劃學會
該期刊-下一篇 RFM模型結合貝氏隨機模式與時間序列模式運用於顧客狀態預測




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