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Consumer Experience of Retail Brand in e-Commerce Environment-A Cross Country Analysis
作者 關復勇吳美貞
本研究旨在以消費經驗理論為基礎,定義為「有意義品牌經驗」及「品牌信任」, 試圖透過品牌說明消費經驗之形成,以發展此品牌消費經驗之多構面模式,再檢證其對價值、零售網站態度之影響效果。透過E-Mail及網路問卷進行調查,總計截至2004年三月底共回收358份問卷,其中日本部分計發出300份,有效樣本數186人,回收率為61%。經運用多元迴歸分析、變異數分析等進行對各假設之驗證,結果顯示:(1)傳統零售品牌成功移轉信任,而網路零售品牌則善於創造話題性及流行性。(2)品牌信任及有意義品牌經驗創造價值及建立顧客忠誠。(3)消曹經驗──價值──忠誠模式中,價值扮演消費經驗與忠誠間之中介角色。(4)網路購物動機之「實用性」正向干擾及「自在感(便利性)」並負向干擾「價值──忠誠」之關係。(5)瀏覽時間較長者,則愈具有網站 忠誠度。另亦發現,瀏覽時間在2-3小時者較l小時以下者更具網站忠誠度。
The author provides a framework for characterizing and better understanding the profile of consumer experience form with brands. The authors cross-validate the underlying conceptual model by studying online shopper samples in a two-country-Taiwan (N358) and Japan (N=186), comparative survey that investigates two retail brand-on-line retail brand and off- line retail brand. The results support bipartite view of consumer experience evaluations along brand trust and meaningful brand experience dimensions. Moreover. (1) the author finds that the off-line retail brand has been successful transferred trust to c-commerce environment, and on-line retail brand has well brand image of talking point and fashion. (2) Brand trust and meaningful brand experience are successful creating value and loyalty. (3) Value completely mediates the effect of consumer experience on trust in the E-retailing context and partiality mediates the effect of consumer experience of Taiwanese on loyalty. In addition, (4) usefulness and enjoyment/ease of use online shopping motivations were found to be important moderator of value on loyalty. And (5) the length of time an individual spends at a web site is related to his/her attitudes towards the site. For example, individuals spend 2-3 hours than less an hour ones at web sites will have more positive attitudes
起訖頁 25-44
關鍵詞 零售品牌品牌信任品牌經驗網站態度價值Online retail brandBrand trustMeaningful brand experienceLoyalty
刊名 電子商務學報  
期數 200603 (8:1期)
出版單位 中華企業資源規劃學會
該期刊-上一篇 行動商務創新採用與企業經營績效之相關研究
該期刊-下一篇 應用模糊層級分析法分析消費者對行動加值服務之偏好




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