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The Study of the Customized Information Software Industry Implements the Periodic Rental Payment to the Small Business Industry in Taiwan
作者 謝明華黃瓊玉 (Chiung-Yu Huang)楊建民
The small business industry is the main economic power of our country. But its information development isn't progressive apparently. Based on the survey of the small business industry ministry, the industry spends little in the information development, so they cannot buy the effectively but costly customized information systems. Since the customized IT software vendors develop new payment method-periodic rental payment for fulfill the need of small business and can meeting the ability of diversified payment. But the new payment method is full of new questions. How to build a feasible model to simulate these questions become important. Therefore, in this study, we provide a model, which is based on Markov theory to develop model for exploring the periodic payment. And we expect this study can help both the small business industry and the customized information software industry.
起訖頁 381-393
關鍵詞 客製化資訊軟體業定期付租馬可夫鍊模型Customized information software industryPeriodic rental paymentMarkov chain model
刊名 電子商務學報  
期數 200512 (7:4期)
出版單位 中華企業資源規劃學會
該期刊-上一篇 利用探勘技術發掘拍賣商品具有異常喊價傾向之競標者
該期刊-下一篇 資訊安全風險評鑑驗證系統




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