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The Study of Expection and Satisfaction of Physical Education Curriculum
作者 李亭儀楊仁仁楊欽城
本研究係以朝陽科技大學101學年度下學期日間部之體育課學生為研究對象。採隨機取樣方式,共發出480份問卷,剔除填答不完整之問卷,有效問卷共計445份,有效回收率達92.71%。本研究工具係取自楊欽城(2006)所編製之「朝陽科技大學體育課程期望需求量表」與「朝陽科技大學體育課程滿意度量表」,所得資料以描述性統計、Cronbach’s α 再測信度考驗、獨立樣本t考驗、單因子變異數檢驗與雪費法(Scheffe)事後檢定等統計進行考驗。
The day school students who took the physical education lesson in the first semester in 2012 in Chaoyang University of Technology were the respondents in this study. 480 questionnaires were issued randomly, and 445 valid questionnaires were used. The effective recovery rate is 92.71%. The research tool was derived from 'Chaoyang University of Technology Sports Course Satisfaction Degree Scale' by Yang, Chin-Cheng (2006). The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, Cronbach's α test-retest reliability test, independent sample t test, ANOVA test and Scheffe method. The research results show: 1. in sports curriculum expectation deamand are (1) 74.9% students agreed the eductaion value of physical education curriulum in Chaoyang University of Technology; (2) offering physical education class in 7 and 8 sections are most expected; (3) 31~40 students in a class is ideal; (4) the top three sports that students want to take are badminton, 24.0%, basketball 13.0%, and volleyball, 11.2%; (5) the three require in need of improvement are athletic field, 17.6%, indoor stadium and gymnasium space is not enough, 11.5%, and indoor stadium and gymnasium space is too hot, 4.7%. 2. the satisfaction on physical education curriculum are (1) students 'overall satisfaction' on physical education curriculum (M=3.75) is higher than academic year in 2004 (M=3.71), slightly pregressive; (2) the factors that students satify on physical education curriculum are 'the aspect of teaching', 'the aspect of the relationship with peers', 'the aspect of teaching administrative', 'the aspect of space and equipment', and the satisfaction of every factor is higher than the academic year in 2004. The results of the study provide the sport administrative and improving teaching as the reference.
起訖頁 29-62
關鍵詞 體育教學physical education體育行政psychological needs心理需求sport administrative
刊名 朝陽人文社會學刊  
期數 201406 (12:1期)
出版單位 朝陽科技大學朝陽人文社會學刊編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 配偶外遇之歸因-從八位丈夫外遇者的角度
該期刊-下一篇 《西遊記》白骨精形象構成與象徵意義探析




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