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Applied Digitized Media to Improve the Efficacy of Teaching and Learning —Example by General Education Course
作者 張瑞剛吳宗禮張敦仁
Confucius’s “to provide education for all people without discrimination” and “to teach according to student’s ability” principles have always been upright goals of education in our culture for more than 2500 years. Nowadays, because of the rapid growth of both the Internet technology and information, classroom is no longer the only place to learn and to teach like it was before. In addition, unlike the traditional point of view, relation between teachers and their students have become more like partners during the process of learning and teaching. In other words, “teachers learn (from students) while they’re teaching, students teach (their teachers) while they’re learning” (in short, Teaching and Learning). Both of them might work together to organize, create, and manage all of the events in the class such as editing the contents of the learning materials. This paper intends to explain the above mentioned educational concepts, three of them, through the practice of general education. Among all of the teaching curriculums in a university, general education plays a major role in campus. General education usually gives students more rooms/motivations to develop their own potential in all respects, yet how to make the digitized media more interesting and to attract students to learn effectively is still a major challenge we have to face.
起訖頁 83-111
關鍵詞 數位媒介教學相長通識教育全人教育digitized mediateaching and learninggeneral educationholistic education
刊名 實踐博雅學報  
期數 201408 (21期)
出版單位 實踐大學博雅學部
該期刊-上一篇 以數位科技輔具改善溝通障礙




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