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青少年犯罪防治研究期刊 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

A Study of Illegal Drug Use among Youths—— the Cases of Kaohsiung City
作者 楊士隆戴伸峰 (Shen-Feng Tai)顧以謙白新名鄭凱寶
為發展青少年地區性藥物濫用流行病學調查監測模式,有效掌握地區性青少年藥物濫用流行病學特性,以瞭解青少年藥物濫用之各地區特性與差異,俾便政府建立符合地區特性之藥物濫用防制策略。本研究透過立意抽樣方式,對校園少年以及犯罪被逮捕少年進行調查監控,本研究參考美國監測未來調查(Monitoring the Future,MTF),透過對校園青少年的調查監控,以瞭解高風險青少年的各類問題行為與危險因子,包含社區、家庭、學校、個人與同儕等面向。此外,本研究也採納美國ADAM與澳洲DUMA針對犯罪被逮捕者的系統監控模式,對犯罪少年族群進行藥物濫用調查,以瞭解藥物濫用類型與人口特性、犯罪類別、藥物使用關連性、藥物濫用史、毒品市場參與情形等。本研究於一般學生組,發放問卷500份,回收424份,回收率84.8%;犯罪少年組,共發放40份問卷,回收共有34名,回收率85%。研究發現於一般學生組,並無藥物濫用經驗;犯罪少年組曾使用過任一種非法藥物之犯罪少年約佔全體被逮捕者91.18%,以吸食K他命(Ketamine)者最多,其次為搖頭丸(MDMA)。於非法藥物購買市場方面,K他命、安非他命一份平均約為500元左右、搖頭丸一份平均約為390.91元,但離散狀況頗大,顯示藥物品質與份量的不穩定性。有關本研究之其他研究結果在本文內有具體之討論。
For the purpose of developing local monitoring system of drug abuse among youth, and adequately catch the local substance abuse characteristics, so as to well develop the preventive network and measures, the study attempt to explore the characteristics of drug abuse trends among youth at Kaohsiung city. Besides, invoking by the Monitoring the Future (MTF), the study explored the drug use among school students which have been systematically ignored by previous studies. Moreover, the study adopted ADAM'S drug motoring system developed by U.S.A. to survey the juvenile delinquents so as to understand the demographic trends, crime types, drug use history, the connection to drugs, and involvement in drug market etc. It is expected that through above research, the study adequately developed the monitoring model. A total of 40 questionnaires had been distributed to Kaohsiung Juvenile Detention House, 34 of which are valid. The response rate is 85%, In addition, a total of 500 questionnaires had been distributed to the students in Kaohsiung City, 424 of which are valid. The response rate is 84.8%. Results: Among the students group, they do not drug abuse. Among the delinquent juveniles who had used any of the illicit drugs, the drug abuse prevalence was 91.18%. Among delinquent juveniles, the most used drug was Ketamine (85.3%); the next being ecstasy (MDMA) which accounted for 47.1%; Amphetamine accounted for 35.3%. The quantity of ketamine and amphetamines used on typical ranged from 0.3-0.7 grams. The mean amount of ketamine and amphetamines consumption were about 500 NT dollars per users and the mean amount of ecstasy consumption were about 390.91 NT dollars per users. At this point, the standard deviation was large, the quality and quantity of drugs were unstable. For more specific information about the study was discussed in the text.
起訖頁 105-146
關鍵詞 犯罪少年藥物濫用藥物濫用監測非法藥物使用青少年物質濫用drug abuse among delinquentsdrug motoringillegal drug useSubstance abuse among youths
刊名 青少年犯罪防治研究期刊  
期數 201306 (5:1期)
出版單位 臺灣青少年犯罪防治研究學會
該期刊-上一篇 從抑制控制與錯誤監控機制來探討青少年的暴力行為




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