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The practical research of evaluation toward anti-drug policies and perceptional factors of successfully withdraw front drug of high risk juveniles of drug abuse
作者 戴伸峰 (Shen-Feng Tai)曾淑萍楊士隆
Since problem of juvenile's drug abuse is getting worse recently in Taiwan, it becomes an important challenge toward the anti-drug policy. Previous studies have suggested that the evaluation and support toward anti-drug policy of juveniles will influence the practical results of the policy. The main purpose of present study was to find out the characteristics of drug abuse of high risk juvneiles in Taiwan and to exam the effects of factors such as the risk perception toward the drug abuse, which influence the evaluation and preferrence of the practical abti-drug policies. Besides, we also examined factors which influence the perception of needs and support in order to refrain from drug. Finally, we submitted some advices for future amendments of juveniles anti-drug policies. The main results of the present study found that the most 3 popular factors of juveniles’ drug abuse were “curiosity”, “boring, just for fun”, and “temptation from friends”. These factors show that juvenils have the tendency of drug abuse from “inside”(personal factors) to “outside” (environmental factors). Juvneiles had neutral attitudes toward nine practical anti-drug policies, but they had high evaluation and support toward the policy of clinical treatment of drug abuse. Juveniles show that the most important factors to refrain drug were “support from family”, ”alienation from drug abuse relationship”, and “tough mind”. These rusluts show that juveniles tend to admit that the most important things to refrain drug abuse is the tough mind of themselves and the support from their family. It is also important to make a drug-free environmet to prevent juveniles started drug abuse.
起訖頁 59-87
關鍵詞 藥物濫用高危險青少年反毒政策評價戒毒成功因素認知high risk juveniles of drug abuseeveluation toward anti-drug policiesperceptional factors of successfully withdraw from drug
刊名 青少年犯罪防治研究期刊  
期數 201112 (3:2期)
出版單位 臺灣青少年犯罪防治研究學會
該期刊-上一篇 少年被拘留者之自我內省模式之決定因素--以香港的個案研究為例
該期刊-下一篇 台灣地區收容少年入院前非法藥物使用盛行率調查研究




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