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Using Path Analysis to Test the Impact of Self-Attribution, Low Self-Control, and Parent Support on Deviant Behavior of Junior High School Students in Taiwan
作者 鄭文烽
The purposes of this research are to test (1) the impact of self-attribution, including incapability, teacher's discrimination, and negative emotions, low self-control, and parent support on deviant behavior of junior high school students in Taiwan, and (2) goodness-of-fit of this theoretical model. Data were collected from questionnaire survey of teenaged everyday life experiences and there were 1,645 subjects in this study. The following conclusions are drawn from this research, including (1) self-attribution of incapability and negative emotions affect low self-control, having negative and direct effects, but don't directly affect deviant behavior, (2) self-attribution of teacher's discrimination affects low self-control and deviant behavior, having negative and direct effects, (3) low self-control affects deviant behavior, having negative and direct effects, but parent support affects deviant behavior, having positive and direct effects, (4) low self-control affects parent support, having negative and direct effects, and indirectly affects deviant behavior, having negative effects, (5) this theoretical model of self-attribution, low self-control, parent support, and deviant behavior is positive. Finally, research limitations and suggestions for future research and practice of learning counseling are also discussed.
起訖頁 1-39
關鍵詞 徑路分析自我歸因父母支持低自我控制偏差行為path analysisself-attributionlow self-controlparent supportdeviant behavior
刊名 青少年犯罪防治研究期刊  
期數 201106 (3:1期)
出版單位 臺灣青少年犯罪防治研究學會
該期刊-下一篇 台灣地區高中生依附關係、自我概念與偏差行為關聯性之研究




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