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作者 李文良
This paper investigates the problems emerged from the land ownership and official solution during the time when the Government-General of Taiwan attempted to put the rinya (forest and wild land which were un-registered, whether under reclamation or un-reclaimed) under control. The author considers that the Qing Government held a very simple attitude by limiting the management of territory to merely the idea of 'reclamation' and 'prohibit.' The Qing Government granted reclamation permits, which allowed people to actively cultivate land. The government then classified the developed land into paddy and dry fields so developers could take the land. On the other hand, The Qing Government never minded those un-developed land and prohibited areas. During the Japanese rule, the Government-General of Taiwan tried to put all lands of Taiwan under control. On the one hand, the Government admitted people's rights to use the land according to the types and proper registration. On the other hand, it named the un-reclaimed and un-registered land as rinya. Although under the land management during the Qing Dynasty, they were not allowed to own rinya, people had obtained some kinds of legal rights to use rinya under the reclamation permit system. Since their claims were not legally strong enough to declare their ownership on rinya, the Government-General of Taiwan worked out a unique system called engokanke-rinya (occupation relationship) to classify and arrange these rinya land. In conclusion, under the consideration of maintaining political stability and satisfying people's demand in ownership, the Government-General of Taiwan not only continuously adjusted its principles, trying to make all the rules more flexible, but also used such a moral reason as 'goodwill' to conclude a very generous explanation to those illegal forest land occupants since the Qing times. Through these, the government expected to control over rinya smoothly and overwhelmingly.
起訖頁 35-54
關鍵詞 林野殖民地控制地籍整理土地行政緣故關係rinyacolonial controlarrangement of land ownershipland administrationengokanke
刊名 臺灣史研究  
期數 200004 (5:2期)
出版單位 中央研究院臺灣史研究所
該期刊-上一篇 一六四0至五0年代花東縱谷中北段村落區域勢力的變遷
該期刊-下一篇 一九三0年代臺灣基層行政的空間結構分析--以「農事實行組合」為例




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