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Institutional Ownership, Corporate Governance and Information Transparency
作者 陸芊螢陳莛之
A stock trading scandal exposed in 2012 again cast doubt on the handling of Taiwan's labor insurance and pension funds, the Labor Pension Fund got hugelost on its investment in Ablerex. The Financial Supervisory Commission announces new rules to guard itself against rogue traders to strengthen supervision of investment trust companies that work with government authorities. Based on a sample of firms listed on Taiwan Securities Exchange over the period of 2009 to 2012, this study examines the relationship between the information transparency, corporate governance and shareholdings of institutional investors. The real example result is found that corporate governance index variable and information transparency standards expose a positive impact on institutional investors. The other control variables such as size of the company, shareholders and other mechanisms pledged stake to institutional investors alsoshowed a significant positive relationship. It is expected that the research results of the study are able to provide the government and enterprises with significant reference when major strategic decisions and policies are made. Hence, improving the capital market and strengthening corporate governance so that the investors and related parties'rights are protected.
起訖頁 1-17
關鍵詞 公司治理資訊揭露機構投資人Information TransparencyCorporate GovernanceInstitutional Investors
刊名 華人前瞻研究  
期數 201411 (10:2期)
出版單位 南洋文化學會
該期刊-下一篇 全球金融危機是否促進國際股市之聯結?以美國與五主要亞洲股市為例




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