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POI 擷取:商家名稱辨識與地址配對之研究
POI Extraction from the Web:Store Name Recognition and Address Matching
作者 林育暘張嘉惠
行動化是 2014 的趨勢之一,而適地性服務(Location-based Service)在這波趨勢中具有至關重要的地位,因為裝置行動化的因素,大量查詢需求因此誕生,例如:路線導航、查詢附近餐廳、加油站等。適地性服務要能廣泛的提供服務,通常需要有一個完整的POI(Point of Interest)資料庫,而整個網路就是最大的資訊來源。這些資料源自於網站管理者、群眾外包(crowdsourcing)或個人使用者所分享的資訊,包括了地址、名稱、電話、評論等資訊。現在雖然有各種擷取地址相關資訊的方法,但經常面臨無法取得明確POI的名稱,在資訊檢索上受到很大的限制。在本篇論文中,我們提出一個商家名稱辨識的方法,藉由收集網路上包含地址的網頁,建立一個具有商家名稱與地址關聯性的資料庫,以提高地址相關資訊檢索的效果,讓使用者在使用行動裝置查詢時,能直接輸入店家名稱或關鍵字查詢地址之服務,提供便利的查詢功能。其中,在商家命名實體辨認上,本篇論文提出了商家與組織名稱在命名上的共同特性,利用此共同特性當作特徵加入CRF 模型,以提供N-Gram 與詞性之外的特徵。
Mobility is one of the trends in 2014. According to the report of IDC (International Data Corporation), the worldwide shipments of tablets have exceeded PCs in 2013 Quarter 4, while smart phones has already exceeded other devices in unit shipments and market ratio. With this trend, many location-based services (LBS) have been proposed, for example, navigation, searching restaurants or gas stations. Therefore, how to construct a large POI (Point-of Interest) database is the key problem. In this paper, we solve three problems including Taiwan address normalization, store name extraction, and the matching of addresses and store names. To train a statistical model for store name extraction , we make use of existing store-address pair to prepare training data for sequence labeling. The model is trained using common characteristics from store names in addition to POS tags. When testing on search snippets, we obtain 0.791 F-measure for store name recognition.
起訖頁 1-17
關鍵詞 商家地理資訊檢索商家名稱擷取商家名稱與地址配對序列標記條件隨機域POIStore Name ExtractionName-address MatchingSequence LabelingConditional Random Field
刊名 中文計算語言學期刊  
期數 201412 (19:4期)
出版單位 中華民國計算語言學學會
該期刊-下一篇 Public Opinion Toward CSSTA: A Text Mining Approach




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