中文摘要 |
台灣債務餘額確切數字究竟為何,各方說法莫衷一是。2011年底財政部公佈之資料顯示中央政府一年以上債務未償餘額已達到新台幣4兆7,645億元。本文基於國際比較基礎觀點,擬以聯合國2009年公布之國民經濟會計制度(System of National Accounts 2008;SNA2008)為準據,試算台灣目前之一般政府金融性負債(general government financial liabilities)。本文將審計部公布之《中華民國100年度各級政府總決算審核報告》按SNA2008之「一般政府金融性負債」之定義進行改編,得出2011年度台灣之「一般政府金融性負債」為7兆1,265億元、「一般政府金融性負債占GDP之比率」為52.12%;且台灣之比率52.09%與當年度歐元區15國平均比率95.56%及OECD各國平均比率103.5%相較仍屬較低,故若以國際比較觀點,台灣之公共債務狀況尚屬中上之狀態。 |
英文摘要 |
Followingthe financial crisis, the Taiwanesegovernment implemented anexpansionary fiscal policy to stimulate economic growth.However, this led to a dramatic increase in outstanding debtaccording to the Ministry of Finance, the central government over one year outstanding debt reached a record high 4.76 trillion (New Taiwan dollars) by the end of 2011.In contrast, numerous media outlets reported the figures of government outstanding debt (including the'potential liabilities' and 'liabilities of state-owned enterprises')at21.40 trillion.To facilitate cross-national comparisons, this study adopted theSystem of National Accounts 2008(SNA2008), published by the United Nations in 2009, as the standard reference to compile the 'general government financial liabilities' of Taiwan.This study use data obtained from All Levels ofGovernment Final Accounts Audit Report, which is publishedby the Ministry of Auditing.Our results indicate that bythe end of 2011, the general government financial liabilityhad reached7.12 trillion NT$, which represents 52.12% of the GDP.In the same year, the EU had accumulated debt equivalent to 95.56% of the GDP. In contrast, the accumulated debt of the OECD was 103.5%. It appears that the condition for Taiwan public debt isstill in the moderate condition. |