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The Contemporary Value of General Education: A Viewpoint from Humanities
作者 黃秋韻
This article will draw on the original spirit of University and have a reflection on the situation of higher education nowadays. In fact, the Seven Liberal Arts as the contents of ancient university education is exactly humanistic education in contemporary general education. But we can see today's university education in Taiwan emphasis too much on the professional training and too less on the responsibility of education.
What is called Education is the one that begins with humanity enlightening, not the one that focuses on professional skill training only. So the university education should come back to the essence of Education and cultivate the intellectual who can be the consciousness of the society, build up the full personality of students, and try to face the mission of education beyond of professional training.
General education as the origin of the university and the education of humanity enlightening is the core of university education. The meaning of university education should complete with general education.
If we have the goal of raising the culture which is declared in the law of University in mind, and have an analysis on the social phenomenon and historical observation of Taiwan, then we should develop the profound culture and the cultural spirit in present general education so as to retrieve the educational responsibility and to play the role of the beacon of our society for universities.
起訖頁 21-38
關鍵詞 大學起源origin of university通識教育general education知識份子intellectual深度文化profound culture人文素養culturalEquipment
刊名 通識教育學刊  
期數 200812 (2期)
出版單位 中原大學通識教育中心
該期刊-上一篇 以史為鏡或古為今用?當前人文教育的新挑戰
該期刊-下一篇 夏山學校展現的民主教育精神




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