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Yangming School and Monks of Jingshan Temple
作者 黃文樹 (Wen-Shu Huang)
Yangming School was the greatest school in the middle and later stage of Ming Dynasty. Followers of Yangming School had close connection with the monks of Jingshan Temple, the largest temple among the five great Buddhist mountains in Southeastern China. Having established a deep relationship with the lower compound of Jingshan Temple, Huacheng Temple, Wang Yang-Ming traveled Jingshan for two times, and lodged at Huacheng Temple, where he wrote some poems and articles. Two followers of Yangming School in Central Zhejiang, Wang Ji and Wang Biao sometimes had contacts with an important monk of Jingshan, Zen Master Wansong Huilin, and exchanged with each other their viewpoints from learning of Buddhist scriptures. Another follower of Yangming School in Taizhou, Guan Zhi-Dao was an intimate friend of Zen Master Daguan Zhenke, who launched the carving of Jingshan Zang. Guan Zhi-Dao tried his best to sponsor the carving affairs of Jingshan Zang. He also established friendship with the outstanding monk of Jingshan Temple, Master Yueting Mingde. Besides, Brothers Tao Wang-Ling and Tao Shi-Ling, both also belonging to Yangming School in Taizhou, were old friends of Zen Masters Meigu, Cimen, Huxiu, Xilian, Tanyan, Mingchu, Dayuan, Chanxin, Guo-An and Jifeng of Jingshan Temple, and had frequent contacts with them. They wrote a great deal of poems and articles in Travel Notes of Jingshan and Odes to Zen Masters. It could be said that the contact between Yangming School and the monks of Jingshan Temple was a typical connection between the literati and the monks in the e middle and later stage of Ming Dynasty.
起訖頁 001-030
關鍵詞 陽明學派徑山寺徑山寺法侶佛教禪師Yangming SchoolJingshan TempleMonks of Jingshan TempleBuddhismZen Master
刊名 屏東教育大學學報:人文社會類  
期數 201303 (40期)
出版單位 國立屏東教育大學
該期刊-下一篇 藝術教學中高達美詮釋學與批判理論之整合應用--以孟克《青春期》為例




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