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Analysis and Enjoyment of Li Shang Yin's Reciting Flowers Verse
作者 管力吾
Li Shang Yin (812-858), a very famous poet in late Tang Dynasty, composed around 100 reciting objects verse. 32 of reciting flowers verse are the major of this category. Reciting flowers verse is, by definition, the target of recitation should be real flowers, main description of the verse should be these flowers, lyricism or declaration the will, if any, may hide in the description.Among the reciting flowers verse, ten of them (five each) are reciting the peony and hibiscus, six of them (three each) are flowering apricot and chrysanthemum, eight of them (two each) are peach and plum together with lotus and deciduous magnolias. All flowers selected have their special meaning. The fact is that only one of the 32 dispersed cheer, others are sorrowful and grievous. It reflected Li Shang Yin’s bad luck of his whole life. Li scattered his feelings by means of reciting flowers in three ways, i.e. appearance of flowers reflected his sensation, sympathy with flowers implied sympathy for himself, and ridiculing on person or thing by sign of flowers.All styles of Li Shang Yin’s poems, gentle hearted, elusive vision and a deep feeling in depth of his heart, can be found in his reciting flowers verse.
起訖頁 071-097
關鍵詞 李商隱詠花詩析與賞花情色態惜花憐己Li Shang YinReciting flowers verseSympathy with flowersAppearance of flowersRidiculing on person
刊名 屏東教育大學學報:人文社會類  
期數 201203 (38期)
出版單位 國立屏東教育大學
該期刊-上一篇 孫應鰲與王門弟子的交誼
該期刊-下一篇 消費者對服飾認知與購買意願之研究




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