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Study on Performance and Developmental Stage of Informationalization of Rural Basic Education
作者 解月光张晓卉 (Zhang Xiaohui)王海
Education informationalization is one of the most important components of one nation’s informationalization. It is a system of various apspects and procedures. As part of the educational informationalization, informationalization of rural basic education can be considered as one of its sub-systems. This paper examines the developing process of informationalization from a systmetic perspective, recognizing it as a complex and open system, in which the level of the coordination of different components could directly influce its function and sustainable development. Firstly, the paper analyzes the structure and functions of the informationalization of rural basci eduction: five components and two functions. Secondly, the paper draws on the performance thoeries, elabrates on the connotation, structure and contents of evaluation, and anlalyzes the promoting factors of performance. Finally, based on the thorough analysis of the developmental features of informationalization of rural basic education, the paper proposes and explains its four developmental stages: emerging, applying, integrating and transforming. The features of transition from one stage to the next are also discussed in the paper.
起訖頁 062-069
關鍵詞 农村基础教育信息化绩效发展阶段ICT in Basic EducationPerformanceDevelopmental Stage
刊名 中國電化教育  
期數 201501 (336期)
出版單位 中國電化教育雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 绩效导向的教育信息化评价模型的构建
該期刊-下一篇 信息技术促进基础教育公共服务均等化研究前景预判




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