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To explore the differences between Taiwan and the Scandinavian concept of punishment in attitudes and valuable judgments
作者 劉育偉王伯頎梁心禎張博文許華孚
法律是人道的活動。但Christie 在《對痛苦的限制》(Limits to pain,1981)一書中強調,刑事司法系統事實上就是一種痛苦輸送的系統,系統運作所控制的數量並不是來自於被界定為犯罪行為的人數,而是來自於一個社會所要加諸於公民身上痛苦的總數。從政治、立法到執法角度以觀,斯堪地納維亞的社會形構機制極具影響力,不論是民意、媒體或社會文化氛圍,斯堪地納維亞的社會形構呈現「高犯罪、低懲罰(監禁)」上的獨具創見,自友善與更生的監禁議題、著重加害與被害者間的關係修復、多元運用的刑罰類別、堅持福利國家理念、寬容的文化與民族性等,尤其犯罪不被視為是對抗的目標,是一個需要極度社會改革的目標,一窺其對刑罰觀念在態度及價值判斷上的全貌。Worrall(2000) 認為即使刑罰的概念和管理制度在各國間存在著差異,當代社會卻正邁入一種全球化的刑罰論述統合。他山之石可以攻錯,臺灣刑法在2005 年進行大幅度修正,象徵我國正式邁入強硬、重刑化的刑事政策時代,惟就斯堪地納維亞的觀點而言,刑事司法系統事實上就是一種痛苦輸送的系統,本文係以全球化刑罰論述與後殖民關係、高懲罰的迷思、社會形構機制等3 個脈絡藉以說明斯堪地納維亞刑事政策之經驗價值取向及立法技術,他山之石可以攻錯,併比較我國刑罰經驗發展趨勢與斯堪地納維亞之差異性。
The law is humane activities. But Christie in "The limit of pain" (1981), a book stressed that the criminal justice system is a painful delivery of the number of systems, the operation of the control system does not come from being defined as the number of criminal acts but from a society to be imposed on the total number of citizens who painful. From politics, to enforce perspective law to the concept of legislative, social-shaped configuration mechanism Scandinavia's most influential, whether it is public, the media or social culture, Scandinavian social-shaped configuration presents a "high crime low punishment (imprisonment) unique Transcend "on the kindness and self-reliance in prison issues, with emphasis on harm relations between the victim's restoration, multi-use penalty category, adhere and other welfare state philosophy, culture and ethnic tolerance, in particular, the goal is not considered a crime against the target of extreme social reform is a need, a glimpse of their picture on the concept of punishment attitudes and valuable judgments. Worrall (2000) believes that even if the concept of punishment and management system there are differences between countries, but in contemporary society is entering a globalize penalty discourse integration. Taiwan's Criminal Code is amended substantially in 2005. This symbol of China formally entered the tough and hard of the criminal policy of the times. Except for the Nordic perspective, the criminal justice system is in fact a painful delivery system. This article is based on 3 context of globalization and post-colonial relationship penalty discourse, high penalties myths, social formation mechanism to illustrate the experience of the Nordic values and criminal policy of legislative technique. Another stone hill may serve to polish wrong, and compare trends and differences between our experience penalties of Nordic.
起訖頁 163-191
關鍵詞 刑罰高懲罰社會形構機制寬嚴並進刑事政策penaltystrict punishmentsocial formation mechanismcriminal policyTempering Justice in hand
刊名 犯罪學期刊  
期數 201412 (17:2期)
出版單位 中華民國犯罪學學會
該期刊-上一篇 從企業被害威脅探討防損發展之趨勢
該期刊-下一篇 緩起訴處分戒癮治療之回顧與展望




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