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Spiritual Experience of Christianity: The Life Narrative of a Tough Battered Female
作者 邱獻輝 (Hsien-Huei Chiou)
Through my experience of studying and helping battered females who live under the shadow of intimate partner violence (IPV), I have observed that many women learn techniques of resilience and self-protection through some form of spiritual experience. However, the mechanics of how this change occurs is not clear, so it is urgent to clarify this issue and use the results of this research as a reference point for future treatment considerations. This study was executed through use of Constructivism and a Narrative Research method process. A woman who defines herself as a devoted Christian was interviewed for this study. She had been battered for several years, but has overcome problems of IPV and showed signs of strong resilience when interviewed. The results of the study find that issues and problems that occurred to her throughout her life can be divided into three categories, which is as follows: the experience of suffering under a dysfunctional birth family, eventual escape from the abusive birth family only to jump into an IPV situation, and finally finding resilience from a Christian spiritual experience. According to her narrative, the spiritual awakening she experienced could be described as a ‘correctional emotional experience’, which was completely different from her early suffering. This positive coping spiritual experience leading her to ‘touch her real self’, and change interactional patterns, eventually leading to a melting of the victim's IPV situation. In this paper, I also discuss the results in relation to further suggestions for future research and practice.
起訖頁 99-131
關鍵詞 受害者信仰基督教親密暴力Christian ReligionIntimate Partner ViolenceReligious BeliefVictim
刊名 犯罪學期刊  
期數 201412 (17:2期)
出版單位 中華民國犯罪學學會
該期刊-上一篇 影響臺灣地區刑案發生率之社經因素--控制固定效應之空間分析,2001-2010
該期刊-下一篇 從企業被害威脅探討防損發展之趨勢




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