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Research on the analysis of Modus Operandi and Prevention of Residential Burglary
作者 何明洲
本研究針對更細緻的住宅竊盜犯罪之手法及老舊社區、公寓無法改善之建築防竊硬體設備,做深入研究,提出更好、更安全之改善措施。重要發現如下:調查發現受刑人第一次犯案年齡平均為24 歲,慣竊均為長期在行竊,且未被警方所查獲;犯竊盜案之前從事何種工作最久,依序為鐵工、送貨員、水電工、木工、水泥工;屋後或屋旁有通道、鄰接施工中之建築物、沒有管理員的門廳、防火巷、地下停車場、出入口較多巷道等均是慣竊最喜歡侵入途徑;老舊公寓加裝聲響防竊是非常好的措施,門鎖採用多重鎖〈多道門栓〉、晶片鎖防竊有絕對幫助;貴重東西存放銀行保管箱是最安全,若沒有銀行保管箱,家中櫥櫃設計隱密之抽屜或暗門存放能有效防止被偷。
This research focuses more on detailed modus operandi of residential burglary and the weakness of residential hardware in old neighborhood and apartments which are not planned to be reconstructed. Accordingly, several better and securer deterrent approaches to anti-burglary are introduced. Significant Findings includes: Averagely, most criminals committed their first crimes when they were 24. They had committed burglary for a long time and barely got caught by the police. They used to be blacksmith, deliverer, plumber, carpenter and cement workers. These places like rear side of the building, passage between buildings, houses next to a construction, entrance of the apartment or mansion without doorman, underground garage, exit and entrance to the allies...etc., help burglars commit crime much easily. Security alarm will be helpful for old apartments. Multiple locks and electronic locks will effectively deter the burglary. It’s the safest way to keep valuables in the bank’s safety-deposit box; or you may set up a secret drawer or door to keep valuables from being stolen is also suggested.
起訖頁 37-65
關鍵詞 住宅竊盜犯罪犯罪手法犯罪防制residential burglary crimemodus operandicrime prevention
刊名 犯罪學期刊  
期數 201412 (17:2期)
出版單位 中華民國犯罪學學會
該期刊-上一篇 以宗教教誨重建受刑人在監之社會鍵--以臺北看守所宗教教誨成效為例
該期刊-下一篇 影響臺灣地區刑案發生率之社經因素--控制固定效應之空間分析,2001-2010




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